发布于 2014-09-05 00:22:12 | 334 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Socket.IO 实现了实时双向的基于事件的通讯机制。旨在让各种浏览器与移动设备上实现实时app功能,模糊化各种传输机制。
Socket.IO 1.1.0 发布,此版本包括了大量的 bug 修复和许多新插件。此版本一共有 20 位贡献者。
hasBin no longer iterates over object prototypes (GH#1645) [kevin-roark]
Enhanced font styles in the chat example app (GH1653) [acusti]
Fixed etag header in server socket.io.js (GH#1655) [ysmood]
Fixed repo url in package.json (GH#1673) [bryanburgers]
Improved namespace and disconnection tests (GH) [guille]
Fixed possible crash on reconnect due to referencing deleted object property (GH#1682) [kevin-roark]
Emitting error packet when connecting to non-existing namespace (GH#1688) [fdellabetta]
Fixed room removal logic when leaving a room, props (GH#1697) [Marreck]
Faster git checkout in travis and SVG travis badge, (GH#1714, GH#1713) [PeterDaveHello]
No double utf8 encoding of packets on websocket transport (GH#322) [rase-]
Fixed binary decode memory leak (GH#27,GH#28) [christophwitzko, rase-]
Better utf8 error handling (GH#29) [nkzawa]
Fixed memory leak in websocket usage (GH, GH) [guille, nicokaiser]
Possibility to cleanly close the server (GH#1646) [narcisoguillen]
Declaring namespaces without the /
prefix possible (GH#1729) [asyncanup]
The remoteAddress
property on the connection is now cached so it should always be accessible (GH#270) [rase-]
Better utf8 error handling (GH#316) [nkzawa]
event is now fired only once in socket.io-client (GH#708) [rase-]
option in socket.io-client, making it possible to disable connecting without explicitly calling manager.open
(GH#680, GH#728) [FredyC, nkzawa]
Our tests are faster and better than ever using the travis build matrix (GH, GH#335) [tootallnate, rase-, guille]
It is now possible to disable JSONP as a transport (GH#314) [rase-]
You can now use XDomainRequest to avoid loading bar flashing in IE8 (GH#331 GH#333 GH#334) [yujiosaka]
支持简洁的关闭 socket.io 服务器:
var app = require('http').createServer(); var io = require('socket.io')(app); var fs = require('fs'); app.listen(3333, function() { io.close(); });
可以不用 / 前缀来声明命名空间:
var app = require('http').createServer(); var io = require('socket.io')(app); // '' and '/' are equal io.of('').on('connection', function(){ // Connecting to '/' will do the trick }); // 'abc' and '/abc' are equal io.of('abc').on('connection', function(){ // Connecting to '/abc' will do the trick });
现在提供了一些自动的连接选项在 socket.io-client,不需要调用 manager.open
var manager = io.Manager('http://localhost:9823', { autoConnect: false }); setTimeout(function(){ manager.open(); // Won't start connecting until now }, 500);