发布于 2015-01-17 01:30:10 | 270 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Pygit2 Python 的 Git 开发包
Pygit2 是一个基于 Python 的 libgit2 绑定。简单来说就是一个Python 的 Git 开发包.
Pygit2 是一个基于 Python 的 libgit2 绑定。简单来说就是一个Python 的 Git 开发包.
Pygit2 0.22.0 发布,此版本更新内容如下:
Update to libgit2 v0.22#459
Add support for libgit2 feature detection (new pygit2.features and pygit2.GIT_FEATURE_*)#475
New Repository.remotes (RemoteCollection)#447
API 改进:
Prototype of clone_repository changed, check documentation
Removed clone_into, use clone_repository with callbacks instead
Use Repository.remotes.rename(name, new_name) instead ofRemote.rename(new_name)
Use Repository.remotes.delete(name) instead of Remote.delete()
Now Remote.push(...) takes a list of refspecs instead of just one
Change Patch.old_id, Patch.new_id, Note.annotated_id,RefLogEntry.oid_old and RefLogEntry.oid_new to be Oid objects instead of strings#449
Fix init_repository when passing optional parameters workdir_path,description, template_path, initial_head or origin_url#466#471
Make the GPL exception explicit in setup.py#450