发布于 2015-02-27 01:22:22 | 256 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Countly 移动应用统计系统
Countly 15.3 beta 发布,此版本更新内容如下:
大量插件新特性:Data Populator, Event Logger, DBViewer, etc
使用最新的 Mongoskin 版本和更新的 MongoDB 驱动升级,支持新连接字符串格式 (#124)
使用最新的 MongoDB 版本
Now Countly can be installed and run from subdirectory, more info (#19)
All dependencies are now defined in package.json and can be downloaded using install script (#4)
All apps view implemented displaying list of all apps and their dashboard statistics (#122)
Accepting bulk requests as post
Displaying default app icon instead of nothing
You can now login using username or email address
All tables in Countly now use Datatables for more interaction, as sorting, fitlering, etc.
New API enhancements, as providing country and city, or returning precalculated stats for implementing dashboards
Allowing any origin on API to allow CORS for ajax queries on different domains
添加新的 iOS 设备认证
Fixed bug displaying user roles
Fixed falling back to English if browser language is not defined (#101)
Fixed displaying long funnel names (#107)
Fixed locked scrolling after using slimscroll in some cases (#128)
大量的改进和 bug 修复
Countly 是一个实时的、开源的移动分析应用,通过收集来自手机的数据,并将这些数据通过可视化效果展示出来以分析移动应用的使用和最终用户的行为。一旦你打开该程序的面板,你会发现数据的监控是那么的简单。
Countly 提供了 Android 和 iOS 两种版本的开发包以及基于 Node.js 开发的服务器模块。