发布于 2017-05-16 00:01:10 | 150 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Countly 移动应用统计系统
开源移动分析应用 Countly 17.05 发布了。17.05 引进了强大的新功能,包括自定义仪表板,流,丰富的推送通知和 Countly Assistant。
Changelog for Community and Enterprise Editions
1 new plugin
Assistant: Gives you insights about your analytics data, informs you about new SDK releases and keeps you posted about latest news from Countly.
Push notifications
Send rich push notifications to your users which can include image and video content as well as custom buttons with localized text and custom button click actions.
Badge support for Android.
Crash analytics
Multiple editing for main crashes table. Select multiple crashes and perform actions such as "mark as resolved" and "delete".
Export crash data with all available fields in chunks of 100.000 as csv, xls or JSON files.
DB Viewer
Export MongoDB collection data in chunks of 100.000 as csv, xls or JSON files.
Changelog for Enterprise Edition
4 new plugins
Dashboards: Create your own dashboards using chart, number and table widgets. See data from multiple applications and for multiple metrics such as sessions, custom events, push notifications and crashes. Using fullscreen TV mode your team will always be on top of the metrics important for your business!
Flows: Understand your application user behaviour better by visualising common custom event paths. Dig deeper into flows data by applying rich filters.
Report Manager: Long running Drill and Funnel reports are automatically moved into report manager for you to see the results when the query is complete. You can keep the results in report manager or re-run the query at a later time.
Push Approver: Add push approval mechanism to the push notification sending process. Push approver(s) need to approve the push notification prepared by another Countly dashboard user before it is delivered.
Crash analytics
Rich filtering for main crashes table. Combine multiple filters such as operating system, resolution, first occurrence time etc. and dig deeper into your crash data.
Revenue analytics: Support for multiple in app purchase (IAP) event definition/selection.
User Profiles
Export user profile lists with all available fields in chunks of 100.000 as csv, xls or JSON files.
下载地址和 SDK 更新请查看 GitHub 发布地址