发布于 2015-06-09 10:20:15 | 232 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Symfony 2.7.0 刚刚发布了.2.7是 Symofony 最新的LTS(长期支持版本)。Symfony 2.7.0 新增了100多条新特性和加强。
阅读 从2.6升级到2.7指南来学习新的教程和在未来的3.0版本中可能废弃的功能
相比 Beta 版本主要改进如下:
bug #14777 Avoid using the app global variable in the profiler templates (stof)
bug #14262 [REVERTED] [TwigBundle] Refresh twig paths when resources change. (aitboudad)
security #14759 CVE-2015-4050 [HttpKernel] Do not call the FragmentListener if _controller is already defined (jakzal)
bug #14745 [Serializer] AbstractNormalizer::instantiateObject allow default values when not optional (boekkooi)
bug #14743 [DebugBundle] Fix config XSD (nicolas-grekas)
bug #14711 [Serializer] AbstractNormalizer instantiateObject avoid null rejection (boekkooi)
bug #14726 [Translation] fixed JSON loader on PHP 7 when file is empty (fabpot)
bug #14715 [Form] Check instance of FormBuilderInterface instead of FormBuilder (dosten)
bug #14654 [Console] SymfonyStyle : fix blocks failed when $messages is null (ogizanagi)
bug #14708 [TwigBridge] use proper class to fetch asset version strategy property (xabbuh)
bug #14678 [Security] AbstractRememberMeServices::encodeCookie() validates cookie parts (MacDada)
bug #14635 [HttpKernel] Handle an array vary header in the http cache store (jakzal)
bug #14513 [console][formater] allow format toString object. (aitboudad)
bug #14335 [HttpFoundation] Fix baseUrl when script filename is contained in pathInfo (danez)
bug #14593 [Security][Firewall] Avoid redirection to XHR URIs (asiragusa)
bug #14576 [DoctrineBridge][Form] Fix BC break in DoctrineType (malarzm)
bug #14551 [Form] Fixed ChoiceType with legacy ChoiceList (xelaris)
bug #14648 [Console] Fix first choice was invalid when using value (ogizanagi)
bug #14618 [DomCrawler] Throw an exception if a form field path is incomplete (jakzal)
bug #14699 Fix HTML escaping of to-source links (amenk, nicolas-grekas)
bug #14698 Fix HTML escaping of to-source links (nicolas-grekas)
bug #14690 [HttpFoundation] IpUtils::checkIp4() should allow /0 networks (zerkms)
bug #14696 Fix the rendering of deprecation log messages (stof)
bug #14683 Fixed the indentation in the compiled template for the DumpNode (stof)
bug #14262 [TwigBundle] Refresh twig paths when resources change. (aitboudad)
bug #13633 [ServerBag] Handled bearer authorization header in REDIRECT_ form (Lance0312)
bug #13637 [CSS] WebProfiler break words (nicovak)
bug #14217 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix regexp (romqin)
bug #14644 [BridgeTwig] Adding a space between the icon and the error message (zmikael, nicolas-grekas)
bug #14645 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix compatiblity with HttpKernel < 2.7 (GromNaN)
bug #14640 [DebugBundle] Allow alternative destination for dumps (nicolas-grekas)
bug #14600 [Console] SymfonyStyle: fix block rpadding when escaping '<' (ogizanagi)
bug #14633 [EventDispatcher] make listeners removable from an executed listener (xabbuh)
简单的模板功能symfony是一个开源的PHP Web框架。基于最佳Web开发实践,已经有多个网站完全采用此框架开发,symfony的目的是加速Web应用的创建与维护。它的特点如下: