发布于 2015-07-16 14:09:22 | 253 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理


值(如文本)可以绑定变量,使用 let 绑定。

fn main() {
    let an_integer = 1u32;
    let a_boolean = true;
    let unit = ();

    // copy `an_integer` into `copied_integer`
    let copied_integer = an_integer;

    println!("An integer: {:?}", copied_integer);
    println!("A boolean: {:?}", a_boolean);
    println!("Meet the unit value: {:?}", unit);

    // The compiler warns about unused variable bindings; these warnings can
    // be silenced by prefixing the variable name with an underscore
    let _unused_variable = 3u32;

    let noisy_unused_variable = 2u32;
    // FIXME ^ Prefix with an underscore to suppress the warning
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