发布于 2015-09-10 16:11:22 | 313 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理

To make it easier to contribute to Docker, we provide a standard development environment. It is important that the same environment be used for all tests, builds and releases. The standard development environment defines all build dependencies: system libraries and binaries, go environment, go dependencies, etc.

Step 1: Install Docker

Docker’s build environment itself is a Docker container, so the first step is to install Docker on your system.

You can follow the install instructions most relevant to your system. Make sure you have a working, up-to-date docker installation, then continue to the next step.

Step 2: Check out the Source

git clone http://git@github.com/dotcloud/docker
cd docker

To checkout a different revision just use git checkout with the name of branch or revision number.

Step 3: Build the Environment

This following command will build a development environment using the Dockerfile in the current directory. Essentially, it will install all the build and runtime dependencies necessary to build and test Docker. This command will take some time to complete when you first execute it.

sudo make build

If the build is successful, congratulations! You have produced a clean build of docker, neatly encapsulated in a standard build environment.

Step 4: Build the Docker Binary

To create the Docker binary, run this command:

sudo make binary

This will create the Docker binary in ./bundles/<version>-dev/binary/

Using your built Docker binary

The binary is available outside the container in the directory ./bundles/<version>-dev/binary/. You can swap your host docker executable with this binary for live testing - for example, on ubuntu:

sudo service docker stop ; sudo cp $(which docker) $(which docker)_ ; sudo cp ./bundles/<version>-dev/binary/docker-<version>-dev $(which docker);sudo service docker start


Its safer to run the tests below before swapping your hosts docker binary.

Step 5: Run the Tests

To execute the test cases, run this command:

sudo make test

Note: if you’re running the tests in vagrant, you need to specify a dns entry in the command (either edit the Makefile, or run the step manually):

sudo docker run -dns -privileged -v `pwd`:/go/src/github.com/dotcloud/docker docker hack/make.sh test

If the test are successful then the tail of the output should look something like this

--- PASS: TestWriteBroadcaster (0.00 seconds)
=== RUN TestRaceWriteBroadcaster
--- PASS: TestRaceWriteBroadcaster (0.00 seconds)
=== RUN TestTruncIndex
--- PASS: TestTruncIndex (0.00 seconds)
=== RUN TestCompareKernelVersion
--- PASS: TestCompareKernelVersion (0.00 seconds)
=== RUN TestHumanSize
--- PASS: TestHumanSize (0.00 seconds)
=== RUN TestParseHost
--- PASS: TestParseHost (0.00 seconds)
=== RUN TestParseRepositoryTag
--- PASS: TestParseRepositoryTag (0.00 seconds)
=== RUN TestGetResolvConf
--- PASS: TestGetResolvConf (0.00 seconds)
=== RUN TestCheckLocalDns
--- PASS: TestCheckLocalDns (0.00 seconds)
=== RUN TestParseRelease
--- PASS: TestParseRelease (0.00 seconds)
=== RUN TestDependencyGraphCircular
--- PASS: TestDependencyGraphCircular (0.00 seconds)
=== RUN TestDependencyGraph
--- PASS: TestDependencyGraph (0.00 seconds)
ok      github.com/dotcloud/docker/utils        0.017s

Step 6: Use Docker

You can run an interactive session in the newly built container:

sudo make shell

# type 'exit' or Ctrl-D to exit

Extra Step: Build and view the Documentation

If you want to read the documentation from a local website, or are making changes to it, you can build the documentation and then serve it by:

    sudo make docs
# when its done, you can point your browser to http://yourdockerhost:8000
    # type Ctrl-C to exit

Need More Help?

If you need more help then hop on to the #docker-dev IRC channel or post a message on the Docker developer mailing list.

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