发布于 2015-09-14 15:10:45 | 184 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理


mongos.exe is the build of the MongoDB Shard (i.e. mongos) for the Windows platform. mongos.exe has all of the features of mongos on Unix-like platforms and is completely compatible with the other builds of mongos. In addition, mongos.exe provides several options for interacting with the Windows platform itself.

This document only references options that are unique to mongos.exe. All mongos options are available. See the “mongos” and the “配置文件选项” documents for more information regarding mongos.exe.

To install and use mongos.exe, read the “在Windows上安装” document.



Installs mongos.exe as a Windows Service and exits.


Removes the mongos.exe Windows Service. If mongos.exe is running, this operation will stop and then remove the service.


--remove requires the --serviceName if you configured a non-default --serviceName during the --install operation.


Removes mongos.exe and reinstalls mongos.exe as a Windows Service.

--serviceName <name>

Default: “MongoS”

Set the service name of mongos.exe when running as a Windows Service. Use this name with the net start <name> and net stop <name> operations.

You must use --serviceName in conjunction with either the --install or --remove install option.

--serviceDisplayName <name>

Default: “Mongo DB Router”

Sets the name listed for MongoDB on the Services administrative application.

--serviceDescription <description>

Default: “Mongo DB Sharding Router”

Sets the mongos.exe service description.

You must use --serviceDescription in conjunction with the --install option.


For descriptions that contain spaces, you must enclose the description in quotes.

--serviceUser <user>

Runs the mongos.exe service in the context of a certain user. This user must have “Log on as a service” privileges.

You must use --serviceUser in conjunction with the --install option.

--servicePassword <password>

Sets the password for <user> for mongos.exe when running with the --serviceUser option.

You must use --servicePassword in conjunction with the --install option.

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