发布于 2015-09-14 14:57:03 | 202 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理


2d geospatial indexes make it possible to associate documents with locations in two-dimensional space, such as a point on a map. MongoDB interprets two-dimensional coordinates in a location field, as points and can index these points in a special index type to support location-based queries. Geospatial indexes provide special geospatial query operators. For example, you can query for documents based on proximity to another location or based on inclusion in a specified region.

Geospatial indexes support queries on both the coordinate field and another field, such as a type of business or attraction. For example, you might write a query to find restaurants a specific distance from a hotel or to find museums within a certain defined neighborhood.

This document describes how to store location data in your documents and how to create geospatial indexes. For information on querying data stored in geospatial indexes, see 使用 2d 索引查询地理空间.

Store Location Data

To use 2d geospatial indexes, you must model location data on a predetermined two-dimensional coordinate system, such as longitude and latitude. You store a document’s location data as two coordinates in a field that holds either a two-dimensional array or an embedded document with two fields. Consider the following two examples:

loc : [ x, y ]

loc : { x: 1, y: 2 }

All documents must store location data in the same order. If you use latitude and longitude as your coordinate system, always store longitude first. MongoDB’s 2d spherical index operators only recognize [ longitude, latitude ] ordering.

Create a Geospatial Index


MongoDB only supports one geospatial index per collection.

To create a geospatial index, use the ensureIndex method with the value 2d for the location field of your collection. Consider the following prototype:

db.collection.ensureIndex( { <location field> : "2d" } )

MongoDB’s geospatial operations use this index when querying for location data.

When you create the index, MongoDB converts location data to binary geohash values, and calculates these values using the location data and the index’s location range, as described in Location Range. The default range for 2d indexes assumes longitude and latitude and uses the bounds -180 inclusive and 180 non-inclusive.


The default boundaries of 2d indexes allow applications to insert documents with invalid latitudes greater than 90 or less than -90. The behavior of geospatial queries with such invalid points is not defined.

When creating a 2d index, MongoDB provides the following options:

Location Range

All 2d geospatial indexes have boundaries defined by a coordinate range. By default, 2d geospatial indexes assume longitude and latitude have boundaries of -180 inclusive and 180 non-inclusive (i.e. [-180, 180)). MongoDB returns an error and rejects documents with coordinate data outside of the specified range.

To build an index with a location range other than the default, use the min and max options with the ensureIndex() operation when creating a 2d index, as in the following prototype:

db.collection.ensureIndex( { <location field>: "2d" } ,
                           { min: <lower bound> , max: <upper bound> } )

Location Precision

2d indexes use a geohash representation of all coordinate data internally. Geohashes have a precision, determined by the number of bits in the hash. More bits allow the index to provide results with greater precision, while fewer bits only the index to provide results with more limited precision.

Indexes with lower precision have a lower processing overhead for insert operations and will consume less space; however, higher precision indexes means that queries will need to scan smaller portions of the index to return results. The actual stored values are always used in the final query processing, and index precision does not affect query accuracy.

By default, geospatial indexes use 26 bits of precision, which is roughly equivalent to 2 feet or about 60 centimeters of precision using the default range of -180 to 180. You can configure 2d geospatial indexes with up to 32 bits of precision.

To configure a location precision other than the default, use the bits option in the ensureIndex() method, as in the following prototype:

db.collection.ensureIndex( {<location field>: "2d"} ,
                           { bits: <bit precision> } )

For more information on the relationship between bits and precision, see Geohash Values.

Compound Geospatial Indexes

2d geospatial indexes may be compound, if an only if the field with location data is the first field. A compound geospatial index makes it possible to construct queries that primarily select on a location-based field, but also select on a second criteria. For example, you could use this kind of index to support queries for carpet wholesalers within a specific region.


Geospatial queries will only use additional query parameters after applying the geospatial criteria. If your geospatial query criteria queries select a large number of documents, the additional query will only filter the result set, and not result in a more targeted query.

To create a geospatial index with two fields, specify the location field first, then the second field. For example, to create a compound index on the loc location field and on the product field (sorted in ascending order), you would issue the following:

db.storeInfo.ensureIndex( { loc: "2d", product: 1 } );

This creates an index that supports queries on the just location field (i.e. loc), as well as queries on both the loc and product.

Haystack Indexes

Haystack indexes create “buckets” of documents from the same geographic area in order to improve performance for queries limited to that area.

Each bucket in a haystack index contains all the documents within a specified proximity to a given longitude and latitude. Use the bucketSize parameter of ensureIndex() to determine proximity. A bucketSize of 5 creates an index that groups location values that are within 5 units of the specified longitude and latitude.

bucketSize also determines the granularity of the index. You can tune the parameter to the distribution of your data so that in general you search only very small regions of a two-dimensional space. Furthermore, the areas defined by buckets can overlap: as a result a document can exist in multiple buckets.

To build a haystack index, use the bucketSize parameter in the ensureIndex() method, as in the following prototype:

db.collection.ensureIndex({ <location field>: "geoHaystack", type: 1 },
                          { bucketSize: <bucket value> })


Consider a collection with documents that contain fields similar to the following:

{ _id : 100, pos: { long : 126.9, lat : 35.2 }, type : "restaurant"}
{ _id : 200, pos: { long : 127.5, lat : 36.1 }, type : "restaurant"}
{ _id : 300, pos: { long : 128.0, lat : 36.7 }, type : "national park"}

The following operations creates a haystack index with buckets that store keys within 1 unit of longitude or latitude.

db.collection.ensureIndex( { pos : "geoHaystack", type : 1 }, { bucketSize : 1 } )

Therefore, this index stores the document with an _id field that has the value 200 in two different buckets:

  1. in a bucket that includes the document where the _id field has a value of 100, and
  2. in a bucket that includes the document where the _id field has a value of 300.

To query using a haystack index you use the geoSearch command. For command details, see Querying Haystack Indexes.

Haystack indexes are ideal for returning documents based on location and an exact match on a single additional criteria. These indexes are not necessarily suited to returning the closest documents to a particular location.

Spherical queries are not supported by geospatial haystack indexes.

By default, queries that use a haystack index return 50 documents.

Distance Calculation

MongoDB performs distance calculations before performing 2d geospatial queries. By default, MongoDB uses flat geometry to calculate distances between points. MongoDB also supports distance calculations using spherical geometry, to provide accurate distances for geospatial information based on a sphere or earth.

Spherical Queries Use Radians for Distance

For spherical operators to function properly, you must convert distances to radians, and convert from radians to the distances units used by your application.

To convert:

  • distance to radians: divide the distance by the radius of the sphere (e.g. the Earth) in the same units as the distance measurement.
  • radians to distance: multiply the radian measure by the radius of the sphere (e.g. the Earth) in the units system that you want to convert the distance to.

The radius of the Earth is approximately 3963.192 miles or 6378.137 kilometers.

The following query would return documents from the places collection, within the circle described by the center [ -74, 40.74 ] with a radius of 100 miles:

db.places.find( { loc: { $within: { $centerSphere: [ [ -74, 40.74 ] ,
                                                     100 / 3963.192 ] } } } )

You may also use the distanceMultiplier option to the geoNear to convert radians in the mongod process, rather than in your application code. Please see the distance multiplier section.

The following spherical 2d query, returns all documents in the collection places within 100 miles from the point [ -74, 40.74 ].

db.runCommand( { geoNear: "places",
                 near: [ -74, 40.74 ],
                 spherical: true
               }  )

The output of the above command would be:

   // [ ... ]
   "results" : [
         "dis" : 0.01853688938212826,
         "obj" : {
            "_id" : ObjectId( ... )
            "loc" : [
   "stats" : {
      // [ ... ]
      "avgDistance" : 0.01853688938212826,
      "maxDistance" : 0.01853714811400047
   "ok" : 1


Spherical queries that wrap around the poles or at the transition from -180 to 180 longitude raise an error.


While the default Earth-like bounds for geospatial indexes are between -180 inclusive, and 180, valid values for latitude are between -90 and 90.

Geohash Values

To create a geospatial index, MongoDB computes the geohash value for coordinate pairs within the specified range, and indexes the geohash for that point .

To calculate a geohash value, continuously divide a 2D map into quadrants. Then, assign each quadrant a two-bit value. For example, a two-bit representation of four quadrants would be:

01  11

00  10

These two bit values, 00, 01, 10, and 11, represent each of the quadrants and all points within each quadrant. For a geohash with two bits of resolution, all points in the bottom left quadrant would have a geohash of 00. The top left quadrant would have the geohash of 01. The bottom right and top right would have a geohash of 10 and 11, respectively.

To provide additional precision, continue dividing each quadrant into sub-quadrants. Each sub-quadrant would have the geohash value of the containing quadrant concatenated with the value of the sub-quadrant. The geohash for the upper-right quadrant is 11, and the geohash for the sub-quadrants would be (clockwise from the top left): 1101, 1111, 1110, and 1100, respectively.

To calculate a more precise geohash, continue dividing the sub-quadrant and concatenate the two-bit identifier for each division. The more “bits” in the hash identifier for a given point, the smaller possible area that the hash can describe and the higher the resolution of the geospatial index.

Geospatial Indexes and Sharding

You cannot use a geospatial index as a shard key when sharding a collection. However, you can create and maintain a geospatial index on a sharded collection, using a different field as the shard key. Your application may query for geospatial data using geoNear and $within; however, queries using $near are not supported for sharded collections.

Multi-location Documents

2.0 新版功能: Support for multiple locations in a document.

While 2d indexes do not support more than one set of coordinates in a document you can use a multi-key indexes, to store and index multiple coordinate pairs in a single document. In the simplest example, you may have a field (e.g. locs) that holds an array of coordinates, as in the following prototype data model:

 "_id": ObjectId(...),
 "locs": [
           [ 55.5, 42.3 ],
           [ -74, 44.74 ],
           { "lat": 55.3, "long": 40.2 }

The values of the array may either be arrays holding coordinates, as in [ 55.5, 42.3 ] or embedded documents as in { "lat": 55.3, "long": 40.2 }.

You could then create a geospatial index on the locs field, as in the following:

db.places.ensureIndex( { "locs": "2d" } )

You may also model the location data as a field inside of a sub-document. In this case, the document would contain field (e.g. addresses) that held an array of documents where each document has a field (e.g. loc:) that holds location coordinates. Consider the following prototype data model:

 "_id": ObjectId(...),
 "name": "...",
 "addresses": [
                 "context": "home",
                 "loc": [ 55.5, 42.3 ]
                 "context": "home",
                 "loc": [ -74, 44.74 ]

Then, create the geospatial index on the addresses.loc field as in the following example:

db.records.ensureIndex( { "addresses.loc": "2d" } )

For documents with multiple coordinate values, queries may return the same document multiple times, if more than one indexed coordinate pair satisfies the query constraints. Use the uniqueDocs parameter to geoNear or the $uniqueDocs operator in conjunction with $within.

To include the location field with the distance field in multi-location document queries, specify includeLocs: true in the geoNear command.

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