发布于 2015-09-28 18:02:22 | 203 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
TinyMCE 在线HTML编辑器
TinyMCE 4.2.6 发布,这是一个维护版本,修复了一些 bug,同时包含了一个新的自动图片上传的特性,该特性可将粘贴到编辑器的图像自动上传到服务器。
Added capability to set request headers when using XHRs.
Added capability to upload local images automatically default delay is set to 30 seconds after editing images.
Added commands ids mceEditImage, mceAchor and mceMedia to be avaiable from execCommand.
Added Edge browser to saucelabs grunt task. Patch contributed by John-David Dalton.
Fixed bug where blob uris not produced by tinymce would produce HTML invalid markup.
Fixed bug where selection of contents of a nearly empty editor in Edge would sometimes fail.
Fixed bug where color styles woudln't be retained on copy/paste in Blink/Webkit.
Fixed bug where the table plugin would throw an error when inserting rows after a child table.
Fixed bug where the template plugin wouldn't handle functions as variable replacements.
Fixed bug where undo/redo sometimes wouldn't work properly when applying formatting collapsed ranges.
Fixed bug where shift+delete wouldn't do a cut operation on Blink/WebKit.
Fixed bug where cut action wouldn't properly store the before selection bookmark for the undo level.
Fixed bug where backspace in side an empty list element on IE would loose editor focus.
Fixed bug where the save plugin wouldn't enable the buttons when a change occured.
Fixed bug where Edge wouldn't initialize the editor if a document.domain was specified.
Fixed bug where enter key before nested images would sometimes not properly expand the previous block.
Fixed bug where the inline toolbars wouldn't get properly hidden when blurring the editor instance.
Fixed bug where Edge would paste Chinese characters on some Windows 10 installations.
Fixed bug where IME would loose focus on IE 11 due to the double trailing br bug fix.
Fixed bug where the proxy url in imagetools was incorrect. Patch contributed by Wong Ho Wang.