发布于 2015-12-21 00:32:17 | 146 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Opendedup 重复数据删除解决方案
Opendedup,一个新的开源重复数据删除解决方案。作为针对Linux的重复数据删除文件系统(也成 为SDFS),Opendedup从设计上来说针对的是那些拥有虚拟环境并寻求高性能、可扩展和低成本重复数据删除解决方案的企业。
Opendedup 3.0.4 发布,此版本主要是 bug 修复:
* Fixed xml commandline parsing in mount.sdfs script
* Replaced Oracle JRE with Zulu Openjdk jre
* Hashtable inserts are now multi-threaded. Inserts were blocking to wait for previous chunk writes. New behavior is to write block and then insert into table.
* Volume recovery now working properly. Was not grabbing hashmaps properly from cloud providers.
* Cloud storage libs overlap for Joda
* Included export encryption libs
* Compaction of hashmaps now working properly
Opendedup,一个新的开源重复数据删除解决方案。作为针对Linux的重复数据删除文件系统(也成 为SDFS),Opendedup从设计上来说针对的是那些拥有虚拟环境并寻求高性能、可扩展和低成本重复数据删除解决方案的企业。