发布于 2015-12-21 07:28:52 | 149 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
SparkyLinux Linux发行版
Sparky Linux 是一个轻量级、快速简单的 Linux 分发版,主要设计用于在老的计算机上运行,使用 Enlightenment 和 LXDE 桌面环境。基于 Debian 构建。
SparkyLinux 4.2“Tyche”发布,Sparky 4 基于和完全兼容 Debian testing “Stretch”。
这是 SparkyLinux 4.x 的 Live/Install iso 镜像第二次更新,主要改进:
– full system upgrade from Debian testing repository as of December 15, 2015
– Linux kernel 4.2.0 (4.2.6)
– Enlightenment 0.20.0 (0.20.1 is available in our repos)
– KDE Plasma 5.4.3
– LXDE 0.99.0-2
– LXQt 0.10.0-2
– MATE 1.10.2
– Openbox 3.6.1-2
– Xfce 4.12.2
– Iceweasel 38.2.1esr
– Icedove 38.4
– LibreOffice 5.0.4 rc1
– Wine 1.8 rc3
– removed KDE/KWin based packages, the system uses Openbox window manager only and applications based on Qt and GTK libs (LXQt edition)
– a small issue which did not let loading the default Sparky wallpaper has been fixed (KDE 64 bit edition)
– the live-installer supports auto login via SDDM in the target system (KDE edition)
– due to removing a dependency from Debian testing repository for ‘mintstick’ tool, it has been replaced by Sparky USB Live Creator, which is a GUI front-end to ‘dd’, and another (new) tool Sparky USB Formatter
– ‘boot-repair’ tool has been removed from iso images, but it is still available in the Sparky repository and on the iso images of the Sparky Rescue Edition
– ‘xfce4-mixer plugin’ has been replaced by ‘pulseaudio-plugin’ (Xfce edition)
– general cleaning and removing obsolete packages
– localizationing Sparky tools
– TOR Messenger – a multi messenger (IM), which uses the TOR network as default, is available in Sparky repository now
– removed all old Sparky wallpapers from the live iso images, and the default wallpapers has been slightly modified, depends of a Sparky edition
– added small application called “Sparky First Run”
– added ‘menulibre’ package (Xfce edition)
– added new tool ‘obmenu-generator’, which can generate a static or dynamic pipe menu and ‘xfdashboard’ tool (Openbox edition)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install -f
Sparky Linux 是一个轻量级、快速简单的 Linux 分发版,主要设计用于在老的计算机上运行,使用 Enlightenment 和 LXDE 桌面环境。基于 Debian 构建。