发布于 2016-03-03 00:26:44 | 209 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Couchbase Server 分布式 NoSQL 数据库管理系统
Couchbase Server (前身是 Membase) 是一个分布式的面向文档的 NoSQL 数据库管理系统,该系统联合了 CouchDB 的简单和可靠以及 Memcached 的高性能以及 Membase 的伸缩性。
Couchbase 4.5 开发者预览版发布,Couchbase Server (前身是 Membase) 是一个分布式的面向文档的 NoSQL 数据库管理系统,该系统联合了 CouchDB 的简单和可靠以及 Memcached 的高性能以及 Membase 的伸缩性。
Query Workbench – 内建的查询编辑器
Full-text Search – support for term, fuzzy, phrase, match, and prefix queries has been added – faceting, scoring, and highlighting, too.
Sub-document API – enables clients to add, remove, and modify individual fields (or read them), including objects and arrays, without reading and writing the entire document
Array Indexing – index specific fields of elements within nested arrays to improve query performance
Extended N1QL joins – support a new query optimization for filtering the right side first, with an index, resulting in added flexibility and improved query performance
Query Profiling and Monitoring – monitor active queries and connections as well as profile queries to identify and diagnose performance issues
同时我们还提供了 Debian 8 的构建版本,详情请看 existing wide list of platforms