发布于 2016-04-08 00:53:51 | 399 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
OpenStack 开源云计算技术
OpenStack 是一个旨在为公共及私有云的建设与管理提供软件的开源项目。它的社区拥有超过130家企业及1350位开发者,这些机构与个人都将OpenStack作为基础设施即服务(简称IaaS)资源的通用前端。OpenStack项目的首要任务是简化云的部署过程并为其带来良好的可扩展性。本文希望通过提供必要的指导信息,帮助大家利用OpenStack前端来设置及管理自己的公共云或私有云。
OpenStack Mitaka 发布了。主要更新内容如下:
Completed RST conversion.
Documented Message service (zaqar).
Added the Highly available Shared File Systems API section.
Improved Pacemaker/Corosync cluster installation and configuration details.
Documented the Pacemaker cluster manager and Keepalived architecture details and limitations.
Added the MariaDB Galera cluster installation, configuration, and management details.
Improved the RabbitMQ section.
Updated configuration for all services.
Added Shared File Systems (manila) content.
Documentation of some of the new features in Mitaka.
New content including documentation for LBaaS, DNS integration, and macvtap ml2 driver.
Added the Shared File Systems chapter.
Reorganised the Admin User Guide content together with the Cloud Admin Guidecontent to create a new Administrator Guide.
Approximately one third of the Administrator Guide chapters received a thorough edit for and consistency, following the contributor guide standard.
Troubleshooting chapters now have consistent formatting, which is a step toward improved troubleshooting sections.
The Admin User Guide content has been removed from OpenStack Docs since all files have been reorganised into the Administrator Guide.
Completed RST conversion.
Completed RST conversion.
Documented that individual CLIs are deprecated in favor of the common OpenStack client.
Marked Identity API v2 as deprecated.
Added senlin, monasca, and cloudkitty clients.
Removed tuskar client because of retirement.
API 指南:
New, cleaner developer.openstack.org landing page.
API Quick Start converted to RST with theme styling to match.
Compute API Guide now built from nova source tree.
Draft swagger files now built to http://developer.openstack.org/draft/swagger/
Created templates for writing API guides for projects teams available in projects repositories.
Released fairy-slipper, a migration tool for WADL to RST plus API reference information.
Added the Upstream Training Archives (the list of past global and local Upstream Training events).
Added the bug report links to each slide and the landing page.
Enabled translation.
Published the Networking Guide.
Published the Upstream Training.
Published the Upstream Training.
Published the Upstream Training.