发布于 2016-05-02 00:55:45 | 142 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Elixir 函数式编程语言

Elixir 是一种函数式编程语言,建立在Erlang虚拟机之上。它是一种动态语言,灵活的语法与宏支持,利用Erlang的能力来构建并发、分布式、容错应用程序与热代码升级。

Elixir 1.3 发布了,


  • [Calendar] Add Calendar and Date, Time, NaiveDateTime and DateTime types

  • [CLI] Add --logger-otp-reports BOOL and --logger-sasl-reports BOOL switches

  • [Compiler] Emit a summary of compilation errors when modules are missing

  • [Exception] Suggest possible functions on UndefinedFunctionError for existing modules

  • [File] Support IO devices in File.copy/3

  • [GenServer] Raise a more meaningful exit if you try to GenServer.call/3 yourself

  • [Inspect] Support :base option when inspecting binaries

  • [Kernel] Support generated: true in quote

  • [Kernel] Support Kernel.pop_in/1 and Kernel.pop_in/2 for yanking a value from a nested data structure

  • [Kernel] Allow variable struct names when matching, for example, %module{key: "value"} = struct

  • [Kernel] Allow guards on the left side of <- in for and with special forms


历史版本 :
函数式编程语言 Elixir v1.6 发布,支持自动格式化
Elixir 1.5 版本发布,函数式编程语言
Elixir 1.4.4 版本发布,函数式编程语言
Elixir 1.4.0 正式版发布,函数式编程语言
Elixir 1.3.1 发布,函数式编程语言
Elixir 1.3 发布,函数式编程语言
Elixir v1.2.0 正式发布,函数式编程语言
Elixir v1.2.0-rc.1 发布,函数式编程语言
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