发布于 2016-06-23 00:25:36 | 235 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Gitblit Java的Git管理工具
Gitblit 是一个纯 Java 库用来管理、查看和处理 Git 资料库。相当于 Git 的 Java 管理工具。
Gitblit 1.8.0 发布了,更新如下:
- Fixed bug in My Tickets which would expose ticket metadata (title, type, etc) for private repos. (pr-1040)
- Fix HTML5 date input support (pr-982)
- Honor disable ticket repository setting (pr-1045)
- Fix paging on filestore items (pr-1070)
- Fix redirects on session loss (pr-1087)
- Fix always searching all repositories (pr-1060)
- Fix RPC list branches for requests without admin powers (pr-994)
- Fix baseURL handling when generating urls (pr-1086)
- Fix my tickets ignoring repo read permissions (pr-1040)
- Fix bug where jgit.packedGitOpenFiles was not properly set (pr-1049)
- Fix encoding of JavaDoc
- Sort filestore by most recent first (pr-1061)
- Improve the document editor tablet support (pr-1062)
- Improve HTTP header authentication (pr-980)
- Improve authentication logging (pr-981)
- Improve logic of handling dot files in the raw servlet (pr-983)
- Change Jenkins Groovy script to support any protocol (pr-986)
- Remove empty catch blocks swallowing exceptions during authentication (pr-979)
- Various documentation improvements
- Delete patchset feature (pr-1039)
- Support ticket references from tickets and commits on other branches (pr-1048)
- YouTrack Groovy push hook (pr-1084)
- Prosemirror 0.6.1