发布于 2016-06-24 01:01:44 | 190 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Phoenix Elixir Web 框架
Phoenix 是函数式编程语言 Elixir 的 Web 开发框架。要求 Elixir v1.0.2+
Phoenix v1.2 正式发布了,以下是该版本值得关注的内容:
[CodeReloader] The lib/
directory is now code reloaded by default along with web/
in development
[Channel] Add subscribe/2
and unsubscribe/2
to handle external topic subscriptions for a socket
[Channel] Add :phoenix_channel_join
instrumentation hook
[View] Generate private render_template/2
clauses for views to allow overriding render/2
clauses before rendering templates
[View] Add :path
and :pattern
options to allow wildcard template inclusion as well as customized template directory locations