发布于 2016-07-26 00:29:14 | 89 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


OpenVZ Linux虚拟化技术

OpenVZ是基于Linux内核和作业系统的操作系统级虚拟化技术。OpenVZ允许物理服务器运行多个操作系统,被称虚拟专用服务器(VPS,Virtual Private Server)或虚拟环境(VE, Virtual Environment)。

OpenVZ 7.0 发布了,以下是该版本一些值得关注的内容:

* OpenVZ 7.0 becomes a complete Linux distribution based on our own VzLinux.

* The main difference between the Virtuozzo (commercial) and OpenVZ (free)
versions are the EULA, packages with paid features, and Anaconda installer.

* The user documentation is publicly available [1].

* EZ templates can be used instead of tarballs with template caches.

* Additional features (see below)

This OpenVZ 7.0 release provides the following major improvements:

* RHEL7 (3.10+) kernel.

* KVM/QEMU hypervisor.

* Guest tools for virtual machines that currently allow the following: to
execute commands in VMs from the host, to set user passwords, to set and obtain
network settings, to change SIDs, to enter VMs.


[1] https://docs.openvz.org/
[2] https://download.openvz.org/virtuozzo/releases/7.0/x86_64/iso/
[3] https://mirrors.openvz.org/
[4] https://src.openvz.org/projects/OVZ
[5] https://bugs.openvz.org/

历史版本 :
OpenVZ 7.0 发布,Linux 虚拟化技术
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