发布于 2016-07-28 00:33:12 | 153 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Moment.js Javascript日期处理类库
Moment.js 2.14.1 发布,改进记录:
#3280 Fix typescript definitions
#3233 Introduce month.isFormat for format/standalone discovery
#2848 Allow user to get/set the rounding method used when calculating relative time
#3112 optimize configFromStringAndFormat
#3147 Call calendar format function with moment context
#3160 deprecate isDSTShifted
#3175 make moment calendar extensible with ad-hoc options
#3191 toDate returns a copy of the internal date object
#3192 Adding support for rollup import.
#3238 Handle empty object and empty array for creation as now
#3082 Use relative AMD moment dependency
#3241 Escape all 24 mixed pieces, not only first 12 in computeMonthsParse
#3008 Object setter orders sets based on size of unit
#3177 Bug Fix #2704 - isoWeekday(String) inconsistent with isoWeekday(Number)
#3230 fix passing date with format string to ignore format string
#3232 Fix negative 0 in certain diff cases
#3235 Use proper locale inheritance for the base locale, fixes #3137