发布于 2016-09-10 23:28:28 | 138 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Sphinx 全文检索引擎


继sphinx 2.3.1-beta 发布之后一年半时间,sphinx终于发布了sphinx 2.3.2-beta 

之前的sphinx 2.3.1-beta 做出了重大改进,比如线程池,可以充分利用多核CPU 。

此次2.3.2-beta 值得注意的新特性是启动速度超快,不再等待全部索引从缓慢的硬盘逐步载入内存后才能启动完成。


Major features

  • Searchd now uses mmap(). Daemon is available immediately and spawns a separate thread that loads the indexes.

  • Built-in suggest using CALL QSUGGEST statement for indexes with infixing enabled and dict=keywords

  • HTTP protocol interface

New functions and options

  • added RAND(),HOUR(),MINUTE(),SECOND() functions

  • addedFLUSH HOSTNAMES SphinxQL statement and hostname_lookup directive

  • added RELOAD INDEX SphinxQL statement

  • added sphinxql_timeout directive

Changes and improvements

  • changed SHOW INDEX STATUS now displays performed number of queries, query times and found rows of last 1,5,15 minutes and total since daemon start

  • changed retry_count behaviour

  • added wildcard support and new options for CALL KEYWORDS SphinxQL statement

  • faster RT inserts

  • faster CSV/TSV indexing

  • query cache is disabled by default

  • indexer --keeep-attrs support specific path

  • daemon now picks changed index path when it receives HUP

  • added alias support for MVA attributes

  • added SphinxQL support for comparison, IN, and BETWEEN conditions over ANY/ALL(mva)

  • added explicit JSON type conversion in WHERE clause

Bug fixes

  • fixed #2503 update of attributes at index prevents binlog from clean

  • fixed #2516 suggest for index with exact_word or morphology options

  • fixed #2507 .NET Connector overflow exception (unsigned id support)

  • Fixed initial round-robin counter

  • Thread-safety checks added (backported)

  • Refactored dl-staff

  • added per-index statistics to 'show index status'

  • fixed #2502 final calculation of expression at RT index (optimized calls count)

  • Refactored ha-staff

  • Added begin() and end() to CSphVector, CSphTightVector




历史版本 :
Sphinx 2.3.2-beta 发布
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