发布于 2016-09-15 00:24:28 | 158 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Storm 分布式实时计算系统
Apache Storm 的前身是 Twitter Storm 平台,目前已经归于 Apache 基金会管辖。Apache Storm 是一个免费开源的分布式实时计算系统。简化了流数据的可靠处理,像 Hadoop 一样实现实时批处理。Storm 很简单,可用于任意编程语言。Apache Storm 采用 Clojure 开发。
Apache Storm 0.10.2 发布了,
STORM-2042: Nimbus client connections not closed properly causing connection leaks
STORM-1609: Netty Client is not best effort delivery on failed Connection
STORM-1928: ShellSpout should check heartbeat while ShellSpout is waiting for subprocess to sync
STORM-1989: X-Frame-Options support for Storm UI
STORM-1834: Documentation How to Generate Certificates For Local Testing SSL Setup
STORM-1754: Correct java version in 0.10.x storm-starter
STORM-1750: Ensure worker dies when report-error-and-die is called.
STORM-1739: update the minor JAVA version dependency in 0.10.0 and above
STORM-1733: Flush stdout and stderr before calling "os.execvp" to prevent log loss