发布于 2016-09-27 00:26:20 | 137 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Foreman 数据中心生命周期管理
Foreman是一个集成的数据中心生命周期管理工具,提供了服务开通,配置管理以及报告 功能,和Puppet Dahboard一样,Foreman也是一个Ruby on Rails程序.Foreman和 Dashboard不同的地方是在于,Foreman更多的关注服务开通和管理数据中心的能力,例如和引导工具,PXE启动服务器,DHCP服务器及服务 器开通工具进行集成.
Foreman 1.13.0-RC2 发布了,该版本部分更新如下:
Add IPv6 related parameters to host and subnet APIs (#14665)
Add /subnets/freeip API to suggest an unused IP address (#9110)
Add unattended installation token to host view response (#15771)
Change /apidoc to display v2 documentation by default (#7955)
Fix errors accessing top-level APIs for template_combinations (#16397)
Fix partition table creation with unwrapped attributes (#16415)
Fix missing IP/MACs in host list response when sorting (#16380)
Fix timezone API doc compatibility with Rails 5 (#16221)
Add *_params
permissions to authorize access to global parameters (#13164)
Add assignment of orgs/locations to roles which are applied to filters (#7806)
Limit resources shown in New Host form to display only authorized items (#4477)
Fix errors shown when an invalid email address is imported during external LDAP auth (#14720)