发布于 2016-10-12 00:31:36 | 147 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Firebug 网页调试工具

Firebug是网页浏览器 Mozilla Firefox 下的一款开发类插件,现属于Firefox的五星级强力推荐插件之一。它集HTML查看和编辑、Javascript控制台、网络状况监视器于一体,是开发JavaScript、CSS、HTML和Ajax的得力助手。

Firebug 2.0.17 发布了,适用Firefox 30 – 52



  • Performance Panel – The Performance tool gives you insight into your site’s general responsiveness, JavaScript and layout performance.

  • Memory Panel – The Memory tool lets you take a snapshot of the current tab’s memory heap.

  • Web Audio Editor, Shader Editor and Canvas – Developer Tools for debugging media-rich content on the web.

  • Storage Inspector – The Storage Inspector enables you to inspect various types of storage that a web page can use (cache, cookies, local & session storage, indexedDB).

  • Responsive Design Mode – Responsive Design Mode makes it easy to see how your website or web app will look on different screen sizes.

  • Animation Inspector – The Animation Inspector displays animations in the page synchronized along a timeline, with a draggable widget you can use to move to any point in the timeline and see the page at that point.

  • And more…


历史版本 :
Firebug 2.0.18 发布,Firefox 调试利器
Firebug 2.0.17 发布,Firefox 调试利器
Firebug 2.0.16 发布,网页开发 Firefox 插件
Firebug 2.0.15 发布,网页开发FireFox插件
Firebug 2.0.14 发布,Firefox 的开发者插件
Firebug 2.0.13 发布,网页开发 Firefox 插件
Firebug 2.0.12 发布,网页开发 Firefox 插件
Firebug 2.0.11 发布,网页开发 Firefox 插件
Firebug 2.0.10 发布,网页开发 Firefox 插件
Firebug 2.0.9 发布,Firefox 网页开发插件
Firebug 3.0.0 alpha 9 发布,网页调试利器
Firebug 2.0.8 发布,Firefox 网页开发插件
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