发布于 2016-11-01 07:03:30 | 144 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递



Notepad++ 是一款Windows环境下免费开源的代码编辑器,支持的语言:C, C++ , Java , C#, XML, HTML, PHP, Javascript!

Notepad++ 7.1 发布了。


Notepad++ v7.1 enhancements and bug-fixes:

  1. Fix x64 crash on macro recording.

  2. Fix x64 crash on new language dialog of UDL.

  3. Check plugin architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) before loading.

  4. Enhance Smart Highlighting feature: 1. match case 2. whole word only 3. use find dialog settings for both.

  5. Fix poor performance of hex XML entities.

  6. Reshow CallTip text on separator character.

  7. Skip Auto-Complete self-closing HTML tags (<br>, <base>, <track>... etc).

  8. Fix 2 UI issues for RTL layout.

  9. Fix Folder as Workspace toolbar button inconsist behaviour.

  10. Add option to skip word completion on numbers (default: ON).

  11. Fix bookmarks toggled off's bug.

  12. Sort plugin menu by plugin name.

  13. Installer: Add 64-bit/32-bit old install detection, and old installation removal ability.

  14. Installer: Ask user for keeping user data during uninstallation.

  15. Installer: Fix uninstaller bug to not remove themes files from APPDATA.



历史版本 :
Notepad++ V 7.5.3 发布,文本编辑器
Notepad++ V 7.3.3 发布,文本编辑器
Notepad++ 7.2.1 发布,文本编辑器
Notepad++ 7.1 发布,记事本替代软件
Notepad++ 7.0 发布,新增64位版本
Notepad++ 6.9.2 发布,新增日志监控(tail -f)
Notepad++ 6.9.1 发布,记事本替代软件
Notepad++ 释出,Windows 代码编辑器
Notepad++ 6.7.8 发布,记事本替代软件
Notepad++ 6.7.7 释出,Windows 代码编辑器
Notepad++ 6.7.5 释出,Windows 下的代码编辑器
Notepad++ 6.7.1 发布,代码编辑器
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