发布于 2016-11-23 00:46:55 | 208 次阅读 | 评论: 6 | 来源: 网友投递
Fedora 知名Linux发行版
Fedora 是一个知名的Linux发行版,是一款由全球社区爱好者构建的面向日常应用的快速、稳定、强大的操作系统。它允许任何人自由地使用、修改和重发布,无论现在还是将来。它由一个强大的社群开发,这个社群的成员以自己的不懈努力,提供并维护自由、开放源码的软件和开放的标准。Fedora 项目由 Fedora 基金会管理和控制,得到了 Red Hat, Inc. 的支持。Fedora 是一个独立的操作系统,可运行的体系结构包括 x86(即i386-i686), x86_64 和 PowerPC。
该项目提供三个版本,每个版本是一个免费的基于 Linux 的操作系统,专为满足特定用例而定制:Fedora 25 Atomic Host,Fedora 25 Server 和 Fedora 25 Workstation。
每个版本都是由常见基础软件包构建的,这些软件包构成了 Fedora 操作系统的基础。 与所有 Fedora 版本一样,Fedora 25 进行了许多 bug 修复和底层组件调整,以及新功能增强,包括:
Docker 1.12 用于构建和运行容器化应用程序
Node.js 6.9.1,最流行的服务器端 JavaScript 引擎的最新版本
支持 Rust,一种更快更稳定的系统编程语言
多个 Python 版本 - 2.6,2.7,3.3,3.4 和 3.5 - 帮助运行跨几个 Python 配置的测试套件,以及 PyPy,PyPy3 和 Jython
或(popular variants)
Happy to pay for your effort
======================= Original Message ========================
I'll keep this short and sweet to make the 34 seconds it takes to read this worth your time (yes, I timed it.)
I saw you recently linked to https://getfedora.org/en/workstation/ from http://www.phperz.com/article/16/1123/308724.html.
I hope you could add my link https://www.guru99.com/kali-linux-tutorial.html
Of course, I don’t want a free from you. I wouldn't reply to this kind of email if there wasn’t anything for me, so here’s what you can get:
• Social sharing of your article
• You will update the content and we all know Google likes that
• You will make me extremely happy
That's it. What do you think?
PS: I am real a person... here is a number to contact me +1 302 308 5151
I've reached out several times but haven't heard back, which tells me one of three things:
1. You’re interested in giving link back, but haven't had a chance to get back to me yet.
2. You're not interested and want me to stop emailing.
3. You've fallen and can't get up – in that case let me know and I'll call 911.
Can you please reply with 1, 2 or 3? I don't want to be a bother.
=============== Original Message =============
I'll keep this short and sweet to make the 34 seconds it takes to read this worth your time (yes, I timed it.)
I saw you recently linked to https://getfedora.org/en/workstation/ from http://www.phperz.com/article/16/1123/308724.html.
I hope you could add my link https://www.guru99.com/kali-linux-tutorial.html .
Of course, I don’t want a free from you. I wouldn't reply to this kind of email if there wasn’t anything for me, so here’s what you can get:
• Social sharing of your article
• You will update the content and we all know Google likes that
• You will make me extremely happy
That's it. What do you think?
1) You're being chased by a T-rex and haven't had time to respond.
2) You aren't interested.
3) You're interested but haven't had a time to respond.
Whichever one it is, please let me know as I am getting worried! Please respond 1,2, or 3. I do not want to be a bother.
=============== Original Message =============
I'll keep this short and sweet to make the 34 seconds it takes to read this worth your time (yes, I timed it.)
I saw you recently linked to https://getfedora.org/en/workstation/ from http://www.phperz.com/article/16/1123/308724.html.
I hope you could add my link https://www.guru99.com/kali-linux-tutorial.html .
Of course, I don’t want a free from you. I wouldn't reply to this kind of email if there wasn’t anything for me, so here’s what you can get:
• Social sharing of your article
• You will update the content and we all know Google likes that
• You will make me extremely happy
That's it. What do you think?
I am curious to know your thoughts on my proposal below.
I welcome your feedback or rejection ( I pray not : - ) )
=============== Original Message =============
I'll keep this short and sweet to make the 34 seconds it takes to read this worth your time (yes, I timed it.)
I saw you recently linked to https://itsfoss.com/windows-linux-kernel-wsl-2/ from http://pixellibre.net/streisand-data/autoblog/Korben/index.php?20190508_090010_Le_Terminal_de_Windows_fait_peau_neuve_et_passe_en_open_source__.
I hope you could add my link https://www.guru99.com/kali-linux-tutorial.html .
Of course, I don’t want a free from you. I wouldn't reply to this kind of email if there wasn’t anything for me, so here’s what you can get:
• Social sharing of your article
• You will update the content and we all know Google likes that
• You will make me extremely happy
That's it. What do you think?
I am curious to know your thoughts on my proposal below.
I welcome your feedback or rejection ( I pray not : - ) )
=============== Original Message =============
I'll keep this short and sweet to make the 34 seconds it takes to read this worth your time (yes, I timed it.)
I saw you recently linked to https://getfedora.org/en/workstation/ from http://www.phperz.com/article/16/1123/308724.html.
I hope you could add my link https://www.guru99.com/kali-linux-tutorial.html .
Of course, I don’t want a free from you. I wouldn't reply to this kind of email if there wasn’t anything for me, so here’s what you can get:
• Social sharing of your article
• You will update the content and we all know Google likes that
• You will make me extremely happy
That's it. What do you think?
I'll keep this short and sweet to make the 34 seconds it takes to read this worth your time (yes, I timed it.)
I saw you recently linked to https://getfedora.org/en/workstation/ from http://www.phperz.com/article/16/1123/308724.html.
I hope you could add my link https://www.guru99.com/kali-linux-tutorial.html .
Of course, I don’t want a free from you. I wouldn't reply to this kind of email if there wasn’t anything for me, so here’s what you can get:
• Social sharing of your article
• You will update the content and we all know Google likes that
• You will make me extremely happy
That's it. What do you think?