发布于 2017-01-28 02:17:50 | 155 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Syncope 数字身份管理
Apache Syncope 是用在企业环境的数字身份管理,在JEE技术的实施和Apache 2.0许可下发布的开源系统。
Apache Syncope 1.2.10 发布了,
[SYNCOPE-963] - Various content upgrade "edge case" failures
[SYNCOPE-965] - Cron expression for scheduled job is not saved from the console
[SYNCOPE-973] - NotFound error returned by user create under high load
[SYNCOPE-975] - Search case insensitive ilike operator triggers search validation
[SYNCOPE-976] - Duplicated events shown by admin console for notifications and audit
[SYNCOPE-999] - REST exception mapper overwrites Spring Security response
[SYNCOPE-971] - Case insensitive search
[SYNCOPE-983] - Search performance improvement with mandatory schemas only