发布于 2017-03-22 23:47:30 | 160 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
PhalconPHP 是一个使用 C 扩展开发的 PHP Web 框架,提供高性能和低资源占用。
Cphalcon 3.1.0 正式版发布了,Cphalcon 是一个开源的 Web 框架,作为 PHP 语言 C 扩展,它提供了更高的性能与更低的资源消耗。
Added PhalconValidationValidatorCallback
, PhalconValidation::getData
Added the ability to truncate database tables
Added PhalconMvcModelBinder
, class used for binding models to parameters in dispatcher, micro, added PhalconDispatcher::getBoundModels
and PhalconMvcMicro::getBoundModels
to getting bound models, added PhalconMvcMicroCollectionLazyLoader::callMethod
Added afterBinding event to PhalconDispatcher
and PhalconMvcMicro
, added PhalconMvcMicro::afterBinding
Added the ability to set custom Resultset class returned by find() #12166
Added the ability to clear appended and prepended title elements (PhalconTag::appendTitle, PhalconTag::prependTitle). Now you can use array to add multiple titles. For more details check #12238.
Added the ability to specify what empty means in the 'allowEmpty' option of the validators. Now it accepts as well an array specifying what's empty, for example ['', false]
Added the ability to use PhalconValidation
with PhalconMvcCollection
, deprecated PhalconMvcModelValidator
Added the value of the object intanceof Interface to PhalconAclAdapterMemory
Added the ability to get original values from PhalconMvcModelBinder
, added PhalconMvcMicro::getModelBinder
, PhalconDispatcher::getModelBinder
Added prepend
parameter to PhalconLoader::register
to specify autoloader's loading order to top most
Fixes internal cache saving in PhalconMvcModelBinder
when no cache backend is used
Fixed PhalconSessionBag::remove
to initialize the bag before removing a value #12647
Fixed PhalconMvcModel::getChangedFields
to correct detect changes from NULL to Zero #12628
Fixed PhalconMvcModel
to create/refresh snapshot after create/update/refresh operation #11007, #11818, #11424
Fixed PhalconMvcModel::validate
to correctly set code message #12645
Fixed PhalconMvcModel
to correctly add error when try to save empty string value to not null and not default column #12688
Fixed PhalconValidationValidatorUniqueness
collection persistent condition
Fixed PhalconLoader::autoLoad
to prevent PHP warning #12684
Fixed PhalconMvcModelQuery::_executeSelect
to correctly get the column map #12715
Fixed params view scope for PHP 5 #12648