发布于 2017-12-23 23:48:59 | 282 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
PhalconPHP 是一个使用 C 扩展开发的 PHP Web 框架,提供高性能和低资源占用。
Cphalcon 3.3.0 发布了,Cphalcon 是一个开源的 Web 框架,作为 PHP 语言 C 扩展,它提供了更高的性能与更低的资源消耗。
Added support of PHP 7.2 and initial support of PHP 7.3
Added support for switch/case
syntax to the Volt Engine #13107
Added PhalconLoggerAdapterBlackhole
Added PhalconHttpRequest::hasHeader
to check if certain header exists
Added support of 103 (Early Hint)
HTTP status code
Added router:beforeMount
event to Router::mount
Added PhalconMvcApplication::sendHeadersOnHandleRequest
to enable or disable sending headers by each request handling #13101
Added PhalconMvcApplication::sendCookiesOnHandleRequest
to enable or disable sending cookies by each request handling #13101