发布于 2017-04-03 00:17:14 | 138 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Nutch 基于Java的开源搜索引擎
Nutch 是一个开源Java 实现的搜索引擎。它提供了我们运行自己的搜索引擎所需的全部工具。包括全文搜索和Web爬虫。
Apache Nutch 项目管理委员宣布 Apache Nutch 1.13 发布,建议所有当前的用户和 1.X 系列的开发人员升级到此版本。
Nutch是一个成熟的、可用于生产的 Web 爬虫。 Nutch 1.x 可以依靠 Apache Hadoop™ 数据结构进行细粒度配置,这对于批处理非常有用。
[NUTCH-2246] - Refactor /seed endpoint for backward compatibility
[NUTCH-1553] - Property 'indexer.delete.robots.noindex' not working when using parser-html.
[NUTCH-2242] - lastModified not always set
[NUTCH-2291] - Fix mrunit dependencies
[NUTCH-2337] - urlnormalizer-basic to strip empty port
[NUTCH-2345] - FetchItemQueue logs are logged with wrong class name
[NUTCH-2349] - urlnormalizer-basic NPE for ill-formed URL "http:/"
[NUTCH-2357] - Index metadata throw Exception because writable object cannot be cast to Text
[NUTCH-2359] - Parsefilter-regex raises IndexOutOfBoundsException when rules are ill-formed
[NUTCH-2364] - http.agent.rotate: IllegalArgumentException / last element of agent names ignored
[NUTCH-2366] - Deprecated Job constructor in hostdb/ReadHostDb.java
[NUTCH-1308] - Add main() to ZipParser
[NUTCH-2164] - Inconsistent 'Modified Time' in crawl db
[NUTCH-2234] - Upgrade to elasticsearch 2.3.3
[NUTCH-2236] - Upgrade to Hadoop 2.7.2
[NUTCH-2262] - Utilize parameterized logging notation across Fetcher
[NUTCH-2272] - Index checker server to optionally keep client connection open
[NUTCH-2286] - CrawlDbReader -stats to show fetch time and interval
[NUTCH-2287] - Indexer-elastic plugin should use Elasticsearch BulkProcessor and BackoffPolicy
[NUTCH-2299] - Remove obsolete properties protocol.plugin.check.*
[NUTCH-2300] - Fetcher to optionally save robots.txt
[NUTCH-2327] - Seeds injected in REST workflow must be ingested into HDFS
[NUTCH-2329] - Update Slf4j logging for Java 8 and upgrade miredot plugin version
[NUTCH-2336] - SegmentReader to implement Tool
[NUTCH-2352] - Log with Generic Class Name at Nutch 1.x
[NUTCH-2355] - Protocol plugins to set cookie if Cookie metadata field is present
[NUTCH-2367] - Get single record from HostDB
[NUTCH-2132] - Publisher/Subscriber model for Nutch to emit events
[NUTCH-2171] - Upgrade Nutch Trunk to Java 1.8