发布于 2017-04-24 00:53:24 | 199 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Emacs 文本编辑器
Emacs是一种强大的文本编辑器,在程序员和其他以技术工作为主的计算机用户中广受欢迎。EMACS,即Editor MACroS(编辑器宏)的缩写,最初由Richard Stallman(理查德·马修·斯托曼)于1975年在MIT协同Guy Steele共同完成。这一创意的灵感来源于TECMAC和TMACS,它们是由Guy Steele、Dave Moon、Richard Greenblatt、Charles Frankston等人编写的宏文本编辑器。
Emacs 25.2 发布了,本次发布的版本主要是一个 bug 修复版本,不过也有一些其他的更改,详细如下:
'find-library', 'help-function-def' and 'help-variable-def' now run 'find-function-after-hook'.
New basic face 'fixed-pitch-serif', for a fixed-width font with serifs. The 'Info-quoted' and 'tex-verbatim' faces inherit from it by default.
New variable 'use-default-font-for-symbols', for backward compatibility. This variable allows you to get back pre-Emacs 25 behavior where the font for displaying symbol and punctuation characters was always selected according to your fontset setup.By default, Emacs 25 tries to use the default face's font for such characters, if it supports them, disregarding the fontsets. Set this variable to nil to disable this and get back the old behavior.
'electric-quote-mode' is no longer suppressed in a buffer whose coding system cannot represent curved quote characters. Instead, users can deal with the unrepresentable characters in the usual way when they save the buffer.
New variable 'inhibit-compacting-font-caches'. Set this variable to a non-nil value to speed up display of characters using large fonts, at the price of a larger memory footprint.
The version number of CC Mode has been changed from 5.33 to 5.32.99, although the software itself hasn't changed. This aims to reduce confusion with the standalone CC Mode 5.33 (available from http://cc-mode.sourceforge.net), which is a more mature version than the one included in Emacs 25.2.