发布于 2017-05-17 00:17:48 | 220 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Crate.IO 大规模数据存储系统
Crate Data 是一个开源的大规模的可伸缩的数据存储系统,无需任何系统管理需求。提供强大的搜索功能。用于存储各种表格数据、非结构化数据和二进制对象。并可通过 SQL 进行检索。易于安装和使用,支持高可用性和实时大规模并行访问和处理。
CrateDB 2.0 和 CrateDB 企业版的测试版已发布。下面将会介绍一些新特性:
CrateDB 2.0 包含了许多重要的增强,包括:
SQL 改进 – We expanded CrateDB support for SQL with the following:
Aggregations on Joins
Group-by on Joins
Sub-select improvements including support for grouping in sub selects
CrateDB 集群层的主要升级 – Changes to CrateDB’s internal workings, such as query pipelining (described here by Jordi Fußenegger), numeric indexing, and networking have improved performance and resiliency. The performance impact of the clustering improvements will be most noticeable on queries that include:
Geospatial data processing
Ranged searches
Operations on IP data type
新的数据库管理功能 – Renaming tables is now supported, which makes database administration simpler.