发布于 2017-06-30 08:58:13 | 157 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Hibernate Validator Bean 验证框架
用Annotations 给类或者类的属性加上约束(constraint),在运行期检查属性值是很优雅的.Hibernate Validator就是这样的一个框架.该框架是十分容易的(就像参考文档中宣称的那样),几乎没有什么学习曲线,Validator 是一个验证框架 不需要和Hibernate的其他部分绑定就可以使用,只要在你的项目中添加Hibernate-annotations.jar库就可以了.
Hibernate Validator 6.0.0.CR1 发布了。
Bug 修复
* HV-1403 - engine - Container class and type argument index information not present in case of implicit unwrapping
* HV-1381 - engine - Unwrapping should work if there is only one VE compatible with the type even if there are 2 type arguments
* HV-1377 - annotation-processor - StackOverflowError during compilation with annotation-processor enabled
* HV-1358 - engine - Class loading issue in modularized environment for value extractors loader by the service loader
* HV-1347 - documentation - Broken link in documentation: "Anatomy of Credit Card Numbers"
* HV-1402 - engine - Rename internal.engine.cascading package to internal.engine.valueextraction
* HV-1393 - documentation - Update schema coordinates in the documentation to use BV 2.0 schemas
* HV-1392 - annotation-processor - Annotation Processor should check that constraint payload does not contains both Unwrap and Skip at the same time
* HV-1378 - engine - Having both Unwrap and Skip in the payload should throw a ConstraintDeclarationException and not a ConstraintDefinitionException
* HV-1375 - engine - English javax.validation.constraints.NotNull.message not in line with the spec
* HV-1360 - tests - Various infelicities in container element constraints XML tests
* HV-1337 - tests - Test framework adjustments to improve consistency with the TCK