发布于 2017-07-13 00:24:07 | 228 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Apache Web服务器


Apache HTTP Server 2.4.27 稳定版发布了。


  • COMPATIBILITY: mod_lua: Remove the undocumented exported 'apr_table' global variable when using Lua 5.2 or later. This was exported as a side effect from luaL_register, which is no longer supported as of Lua 5.2 which deprecates pollution of the global namespace. [Rainer Jung]

  • COMPATIBILITY: mod_http2: Disable and give warning when using Prefork. 

    The server will continue to run, but HTTP/2 will no longer be negotiated.

    [Stefan Eissing]

  • COMPATIBILITY: mod_proxy_fcgi: Revert to 2.4.20 FCGI behavior for the 

    default ProxyFCGIBackendType, fixing a regression with PHP-FPM. PR 61202. 

    [Jacob Champion, Jim Jagielski]



历史版本 :
Apache HTTP Server 2.4.29 稳定版发布
Apache HTTP Server 2.4.28 发布
Apache HTTP Server 2.4.27 稳定版发布
Apache HTTP Server 2.2.34 发布,最终维护版
Apache HTTP Serve 2.2.32 发布
Apache HTTP Server 2.4.25 发布
Apache HTTP Server 2.4.23 发布
Apache 2.4.20 发布
Apache 2.4.18 正式发布
Apache HTTP Server 2.4.17 稳定版发布
Apache httpd 2.4.17 发布
Apache 2.4.12 更新,OpenSSL 更新至 1.0.1m
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