发布于 2017-07-16 00:56:41 | 127 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Mesa3D 免费开源图形API
Mesa3D 17.1.5 和 17.2.0 已发布,
Mesa3D 17.1.5 的更新主要是 bug 修复,详细如下:
Bug fixes
Bug 100242 - radeon buffer allocation failure during startup of Factorio
Bug 101657 - strtod.c:32:10: fatal error: xlocale.h: No such file or directory
Bug 101666 - bitfieldExtract is marked as a built-in function on OpenGL ES 3.0, but was added in OpenGL ES 3.1
Bug 101703 - No stencil buffer allocated when requested by GLUT
Note: some of the new features are only available with certain drivers.
GL_ARB_bindless_texture on radeonsi
GL_ARB_post_depth_coverage on nvc0 (GM200+)
GL_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array on nvc0 (GM200+)
GL_AMD_vertex_shader_layer on nvc0 (GM200+)
GL_AMD_vertex_shader_viewport_index on nvc0 (GM200+)
Bug 修复
GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object support removed.