发布于 2017-08-09 00:31:34 | 108 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Unreal Engine 虚幻引擎
虚幻引擎是一个面向PC、Xbox 360、iOS和PlayStation 3的完整开发框架,其中提供了大量核心技术、内容创建工具以及支持基础设施内容。
Unreal Engine(虚幻引擎) 4.17 已发布,此版本包含了 90 多项的改进。
新版使用了新的 Composure 合成系统和 Image Plate 插件,提供了将实时渲染的内容与实时动作素材相结合的强大而灵活的手段。
4.17 带来新的工具、工作流增强和性能优化使得您可以比以往任何时候都更容易地开发和实现您所期望的质量条件和用户需求的性能。借助新的平台支持和扩展功能,虚幻引擎可在任何平台上提供有吸引力的体验。
New: 改进 Sequencer
对 Sequencer 进行了大量的功能性、稳定性和可用性改进
There are now Attenuation settings for audio sections attached to Actors.
You can specify attach and detach rules for attach sections.
We added cinematic options to the Level Sequence player.
We added Key Time to the Vector, Transform, Color key property editors.
There are now hotkeys to step to next/previous shot (Shift + Comma and Shift + Period).
Snap scrubbing to keys now allows scrubbing outside tolerance.
You can now activate realtime viewports when switching into Sequencer using a setting in Editor Preferences.
Bug 修复
Bindings overhaul
Fix - Spawnable state/properties not getting saved/restored when despawned/respawned
Fix - Sequencer outliner added extra nodes when filtering
Fix - Load level sequence asynchronously
Fix - Autokey not saving the property value before creating a keyframe (needed to properly restore)