发布于 2017-08-12 00:30:53 | 184 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Vert.x JVM上的Node.js替代者
Vert.x 3.5.0.Beta1 发布了。
首先,此版本提供了 RxJava2 API,支持其全系列类型。
除了 Single,Rxified API 还有 Completable 和 Maybe 类型
// expose Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>Completable completable = server.rxClose(); completable.subscribe(() -> System.out.println("closed")); // expose Handler<AsyncResult<String>> where the result can be nullMaybe<String> ipAddress = dnsClient.rxLookup("www.google.com"); ipAddress.subscribe( value -> System.out.println("resolved to " + value), err -> err.printStackTrace(), () -> System.out.println("does not resolve"));
RxJava 使用 toObservable() 方法来扩展 Vert.x 流,RxJava2 添加了 toFlowable() 方法:
// Flowable maps to a ReadStream<Buffer>// back-pressured streamFlowable flowable = asyncFile.toFlowable();// but we still can get an Observable<Buffer>// non back-pressured streamObservable flowable = asyncFile.toObservable();
在 Vert.x 3.4 中,我们添加了 MQTT 服务器,3.5 使用 MQTT 客户端完成 MQTT 代理:
MqttClient mqttClient = MqttClient.create(vertx, new MqttClientOptions() .setPort(BROKER_PORT) .setHost(BROKER_HOST)).connect(ar -> if (ar.succeeded()) { System.out.println("Connected to a server"); mqttClient.publish( MQTT_TOPIC, Buffer.buffer(MQTT_MESSAGE), MqttQoS.AT_MOST_ONCE, false, false, s -> mqttClient.disconnect(d -> System.out.println("Disconnected from server"))); } else { System.out.println("Failed to connect to a server"); ar.cause().printStackTrace(); } });