发布于 2017-08-17 01:02:23 | 128 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Hibernate Search 全文检索工具

Hibernate Search是在apache Lucene的基础上建立的主要用于Hibernate的持久化模型的全文检索工具。像Lucene这样的检索引擎能够给我们的项目在进行检索的时候带来 非常高的效率,但是它们在基本对象的检索时会有一些问题,比如不能实现检索内容跟实体的转换,Hibernate Search正是在这样的情况下发展起来的,基于对象的检索引擎,能够很方便的将检索出来的内容转换为具体的实体对象。此外Hibernate Search能够根据需要进行同步或异步的索引更新。

Hibernate Search 5.8.0.cr1 发布了,

改版本包含了在5.8.0.beta4中的 bug 修复和改进,这将是正式版发布前社区的测试和bug报告的最后机会。


  • HSEARCH-2831: request signing for Amazon’s proprietary IAM authentication mechanism now requires you to set the hibernate.search.default.elasticsearch.aws.signing.enabled property to true, allowing you to easily disable signing even if the hibernate-search-elasticsearch-aws JAR is in your classpath.

  • HSEARCH-2818 / HSEARCH-2821: sending requests to Elasticsearch is now much less memory-consuming.

  • HSEARCH-2764: we improved the orchestration of index updates before they are sent to the Elasticsearch client:

    • Index updates originating from a single Hibernate Search node will now be sent to Elasticsearch in the order they were generated, even when they come from different threads.

    • Mass indexing will now add documents in parallel, allowing you to take advantage of having multiple connections to the Elasticsearch cluster. Note you can customize the maximum number of connections using the hibernate.search.default.elasticsearch.max_total_connection and hibernate.search.default.elasticsearch.max_total_connection_per_route configuration properties.

    • The internal index update queues are now bounded, thus performing mass indexing on very large data sets will not trigger an OutOfMemoryError anymore.



历史版本 :
Hibernate Search 5.9.0.CR1 发布,数据检索框架
Hibernate Search 5.9.0.beta1 发布,数据检索框架
Hibernate Search 5.8.0.cr1 发布,数据检索框架
Hibernate Search 5.7.0.Final 发布,数据检索框架
Hibernate Search 5.5.6.Final 发布
Hibernate Search 5.6.0.Beta4 和 5.7.0.Beta1 发布
Hibernate Search 5.5.4 发布
Hibernate Search 5.6.0.Beta1 发布
Hibernate Search 5.5.3.Final 发布
Hibernate Search 5.6.0.Alpha3 发布,Hibernate搜索框架
Hibernate Search 5.6.0.Alpha2 发布
Hibernate Search 5.5.2 发布
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