发布于 2017-08-31 03:25:57 | 198 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
memcached 集中式缓存系统
memcached是一套分布式的快取系统,当初是Danga Interactive为了LiveJournal所发展的,但目前被许多软件(如MediaWiki)所使用。这是一套开放源代码软件,以BSD license授权释出。
memcached 1.5.1 已发布,该版本修复了自 1.5.0 以来的 bug。还为启用 Linux seccomp 权限删除引入了 --enable-seccomp
Bug 修复
add max_connections
stat to 'stats' output
Drop sockets from obviously malicious command strings (HTTP/)
stats cachedump: now more likely to show data
memcached-tool: fix slab Full?
fix null pointer ref in logger for bin update cmd
default to unix sockets for tests, make them much less flaky
PARALLEL=9 make test -> runs prove in parallel
fix flaky stats.t test
--enable-seccomp compiles in options for strict privilege reduction in linux. see output of -h
for more information.