发布于 2017-09-13 00:19:53 | 194 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Spring AMQP 消息解决方案
Spring AMQP 是基于 Spring 框架的 AMQP 消息解决方案,提供模板化的发送和接收消息的抽象层,提供基于消息驱动的 POJO。同时有 Java 和 .NET 的版本。
Spring AMQP 1.7.4 发布了,
[AMQP-762] - Semaphore permit leak leads to “No available channels” exception
[AMQP-764] - Allow Connection Use Until destroy() After Context Close
[AMQP-766] - Message.toString() Deserializes Java Without a White List
[AMQP-747] - Jackson ClassMapper implementations are vulnerable for the CVE-2017-4995
[AMQP-765] - Shutdown application in Publisher Confirms mode ShutdownSignalException(reply-code=200) is thrown
[AMQP-749] - Force Close the Channel if the Consumer Doesn't Terminate
[AMQP-750] - Add an option to treat PossibleAuthenticationFailureException as non-fatal
[AMQP-754] - Expose AbstractRabbitListenerContainerFactory's adviceChain using a getter
[AMQP-756] - Support for no-local consumers
[AMQP-759] - Expose queue size hook
[AMQP-761] - LogAppenders - Add Thread Name Header