发布于 2017-12-11 11:02:44 | 132 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Percona Server Mysql分支数据库

Percona Server是MySQL的改进版本,使用 XtraDB 存储引擎,在功能和性能上较 MySQL 有着很显著的提升,如提升了在高负载情况下的 InnoDB 的性能,为 DBA 提供了一些非常有用的性能诊断工具,另外有更多的参数和命令来控制服务器行为。

Percona Server for MySQL 5.6.38-83.0 已发布。

Percona Server for MySQL 5.6.38-83.0 包括所有的错误修复,该版本现在是 5.6 系列中的稳定版本。更新内容如下:


Bug 修复:

  • Dynamic row format feature to support BLOB/VARCHAR in MEMORY tables requires all the key columns to come before any BLOB columns. This requirement however was not enforced, allowing creating MEMORYtables in unsupported column configurations, which then crashed or lose data in usage. Bug fixed #1731483.

  • If an I/O syscall returned an error during the server shutdown with Thread Pool enabled, a mutex could be left locked. Bug fixed #1702330 (Daniel Black).

  • After fixing bug #1668602, bug #1539504, and bug #1313901CREATE/DROP TEMPORARY TABLE statements were forbidden incorrectly in transactional contexts, including function and trigger calls, even when they required no binary logging at all. Bug fixed #1711781.

  • Running ANALYZE TABLE while a long-running query is accessing the same table in parallel could lead to a situation where new queries on the same table are blocked in a Waiting for table flush state. Fixed by stopping ANALYZE TABLE flushing affected InnoDB and TokuDB tables from the table definition cache. Bug fixed #1704195 (upstream #87065).

  • MyRocks additions to the 5.6 mysqldump output have been removed.

  • CREATE TABLE ... LIKE ... did not use source row_format on target TokuDB table. Bug fixed #76.

  • TokuDB would encode already encoded database name for a directory name. Bug fixed #74.

其他 bug 修复: #1670902 (upstream #85352), #1670902 (upstream #85352), #1729241#83#80, and #75.


历史版本 :
Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.20-19 发布
Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.20-18 发布
Percona Server for MySQL 5.6.38-83.0 发布
Percona Server for MySQL 5.5.58-38.10 发布
Percona Server for MySQL 5.5.57-38.9 发布
Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.18-16 发布
Percona Server for MongoDB 3.2.14-3.4 发布
Percona Server for MongoDB 3.4.5-1.5 发布
Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.18-15 发布
Percona Server for MongoDB 3.2.13-3.3 发布
Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.18-14 和 5.6.36-82.0
Percona Server 5.5.58-38.8 发布,MySQL 衍生版
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