发布于 2018-01-07 00:21:59 | 219 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递

这里有新鲜出炉的Tornado 教程,程序狗速度看过来!

Tornado Python Web应用开发框架

Tornado的全称是Torado Web Server,从名字上看就可知道它可以用作Web服务器,但同时它也是一个Python Web的开发框架。最初是在FriendFeed公司的网站上使用,FaceBook收购了之后便开源了出来。

Tornado 是使用 Python 开发的全栈式(full-stack)Web 框架和异步网络库,最早由 Friendfeed 开发。通过使用非阻塞 IO,Tornado 可以处理数以万计的开放连接,是 long polling、WebSockets 和其他需要为用户维护长连接应用的理想选择。

Tornado 4.5.3 已发布,更新如下:


  • Improved debug logging on Python 3.


  • Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding headers are no longer sent with 1xx or 204 responses (this was already true of 304 responses).

  • Reading chunked requests no longer leaves the connection in a broken state.


  • Writing a memoryview can no longer result in "BufferError: Existing exports of data: object cannot be re-sized".


  • Duplicate option names are now detected properly whether they use hyphens or underscores.


  • .AsyncHTTPTestCase.fetch now uses instead of localhost, improving compatibility with systems that have partially-working ipv6 stacks.


  • It is no longer allowed to send a body with 1xx or 204 responses.


  • Requests with invalid websocket headers now get a response with status code 400 instead of a closed connection.


历史版本 :
Tornado 4.5.3 发布,Python Web 框架和异步网络库
Tornado 4.3 正式版发布
Tornado 4.2 发布,Python Web 服务器
Tornado 4.0 发布,Web 服务器
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