ECL (Embeddable Common-Lisp) 是一个嵌入式的 Common-Lisp 语言解析器,主要特点:

  • A byteCODEs comPILer and interpreter.
  • Compiles Lisp also with any C/C++ compiler.
  • It can build standalone executables and librarIEs.
  • ASDF, Sockets, Gray streams, MOP, and other useful components.
  • Extremely portable.
  • A reasonable license.
ECL 16.1.2 发布,可嵌入式的 Common Lisp
 可嵌入式的 Common Lisp —— ECL 发布 16.1.2 版本,下载地址:源码Windows 二进制安装包 (x86).该版本增强部分内容包括:Added code walker (present in *features* as :walker)Testing framework initial cleanupFormat fallbacks to prin1 if infinity or NaN are passed to itAnnotations are added at run

发布于 2016-03-01 00:21:42 | 177 次阅读

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