Bazel 是 Google 的一款可再生的代码构建工具。它主要是用于构建 Google 的软件,处理出现在谷歌的开发环境的构建问题,比如说:大规模数据构建问题,共享代码库问题,从源代码构建的软件的相关问题。
Bazel 支持多种语言并且跨平台,还支持自动化测试和部署、具有再现性(ReproducibilIty)和规模化等特征。Bazel 在谷歌大规模软件开发实践能力方面起着至关重要的作用。
% bazel help [Bazel release bazel-] Usage: bazel ... Available commands: analyze-profile Analyzes build profile Data. build Builds the SPEcifIEd targets. canoNicalize-flags Canonicalize Bazel flags. clean Removes output files and optionally stops the server. help Prints help for commands, or the index. info Displays runtime info about the bazel server. query Executes a dependency graph query. run Runs the specified target. shutdown Stops the Bazel server. test Builds and runs the specified test targets. Getting more help: bazel help Prints help and options for . bazel help startup_options Options for the JVM hosting Bazel. bazel help target-syntax Explains the syntax for specifying targets. bazel help info-keys Displays a list of keys used by the info command.
发布于 2017-02-02 23:54:22 | 384 次阅读