Welcome! 安装(Installation) 示例列表(List of examples) 依赖注入与服务定位器(Dependency Injection/Service Location) MVC 架构(The MVC Architecture) 使用控制器(Using Controllers) 使用模型(Working with Models) 模型元数据(Models Meta-Data) 事务管理(Model Transactions) Phalcon 查询语言(Phalcon Query Language (PHQL)) 缓存对象关系映射(Caching in the ORM) 对象文档映射 ODM (Object-Document Mapper) 使用视图(Using Views) 视图助手(View Helpers) 资源文件管理(Assets Management) Volt 模版引擎(Volt: Template Engine) MVC 应用(MVC Applications) 路由(Routing) 调度控制器(Dispatching Controllers) 微应用(Micro Applications) 使用命名空间(Working with Namespaces) 事件管理器(Events Manager) 请求环境 (Request Environment) 返回响应(Returning Responses) Cookie 管理(Cookies Management) 生成 URL 和 路径(Generating URLs and Paths) 闪存消息(Flashing Messages) 使用 Session 存储数据(Storing data in Session) 过滤与清理(Filtering and Sanitizing) 上下文编码(Contextual Escaping) 验证(Validation) 表单(Forms) 读取配置(Reading Configurations) 分页(Pagination) 使用缓存提高性能(Improving Performance with Cache) 安全(Security) 加密/解密( Encryption/Decryption ) 访问控制列表 ACL(Access Control Lists ACL) 多语言支持(Multi-lingual Support) 通用类加载器 ( Universal Class Loader ) 日志记录(Logging) 注释解析器(Annotations Parser) 命令行应用(Command Line Applications) 队列(Queueing) 数据库抽象层(Database Abstraction Layer) 国际化(Internationalization) 数据库迁移(Database Migrations) 调试应用程序(Debugging Applications) Phalcon 开发工具(Phalcon Developer Tools) 提高性能:下一步该做什么?(Increasing Performance: What's next?) 单元测试(Unit testing) 授权(License)

发布于 2015-08-21 15:06:05 | 981 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理

使用模型(Working with Models)

模型代表了应用程序中的信息(数据)和处理数据的规则。模型主要用于管理与相应数据库表进行交互的规则。 大多数情况中,在应用程序中,数据库中每个表将对应一个模型。 应用程序中的大部分业务逻辑都将集中在模型里。

PhalconMvcModel 是 Phalcon 应用程序中所有模型的基类。它保证了数据库的独立性,基本的 CURD 操作, 高级的查询功能,多表关联等功能。 PhalconMvcModel 不需要直接使用 SQL 语句,因为它的转换方法,会动态的调用相应的数据库引擎进行处理。

模型是数据库的高级抽象层。如果您想进行低层次的数据库操作,您可以查看 PhalconDb 组件文档。


模型是一个继承自 PhalconMvcModel 的一个类。 它必须放到 models 文件夹。一个模型文件必须包含一个类, 同时它的类名必须符合驼峰命名法:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model


上面的例子显示了 “Robots” 模型的实现。 需要注意的是 Robots 继承自 PhalconMvcModel 。 因此,Robots 模型拥有了大量继承自该组件功能,包括基本的数据库 CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) 操作,数据验证以及复杂的搜索支持,并且可以同时关联多个模型。

如果使用 PHP 5.4/5.5 建议在模型中预先定义好所有的列,这样可以减少模型内存的开销以及内存分配。

默认情况下,模型 “Robots” 对应的是数据库表 “robots”, 如果想映射到其他数据库表,可以使用 getSource() 方法:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public function getSource()
        return "the_robots";

模型 Robots 现在映射到了 “the_robots” 表。initialize() 方法可以帮助在模型中建立自定义行为,例如指定不同的数据库表。 initialize() 方法在请求期间只被调用一次。


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public function initialize()

initialize() 方法在请求期间仅会被调用一次,目的是为应用中所有该模型的实例进行初始化。如果需要为每一个实例在创建的时候单独进行初始化, 可以使用 ‘onConstruct’ 事件:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public function onConstruct()
        // ...

公共属性对比设置与取值 Setters/Getters(Public properties vs. Setters/Getters)



use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public $id;

    public $name;

    public $price;

通过使用 getters/setters 方法,可以控制哪些属性可以公开访问,并且对属性值执行不同的形式的转换,同时可以保存在模型中的数据添加相应的验证规则。


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    protected $id;

    protected $name;

    protected $price;

    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

    public function setName($name)
        // The name is too short?
        if (strlen($name) < 10) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('The name is too short');
        $this->name = $name;

    public function getName()
        return $this->name;

    public function setPrice($price)
        // Negative prices aren't allowed
        if ($price < 0) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Price can't be negative');
        $this->price = $price;

    public function getPrice()
        // Convert the value to double before be used
        return (double) $this->price;

公共属性的方式可以在开发中降低复杂度。而 getters/setters 的实现方式可以显著的增强应用的可测试性、扩展性和可维护性。 开发人员可以自己决定哪一种策略更加适合自己开发的应用。ORM同时兼容这两种方法。

模型放入命名空间(Models in Namespaces)

命名空间可以用来避免类名的冲突。ORM通过类名来映射相应的表名。比如 ‘Robots’:


namespace StoreToys;

use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    // ...

Namespaces make part of model names when they are within strings:


namespace StoreToys;

use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public $id;

    public $name;

    public function initialize()
        $this->hasMany('id', 'StoreToysRobotsParts', 'robots_id');

理解记录对象(Understanding Records To Objects)

每个模型的实例对应一条数据表中的记录。可以方便的通过读取对象的属性来访问相应的数据。比如, 一个表 “robots” 有如下数据:

mysql> select * from robots;
| id | name       | type       | year |
|  1 | Robotina   | mechanical | 1972 |
|  2 | Astro Boy  | mechanical | 1952 |
|  3 | Terminator | cyborg     | 2029 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)



// Find record with id = 3
$robot = Robots::findFirst(3);

// Prints "Terminator"
echo $robot->name;



$robot       = Robots::findFirst(3);
$robot->name = "RoboCop";

如上所示,不需要写任何SQL语句。PhalconMvcModel 为web应用提供了高层数据库抽象。

查找记录(Finding Records)

PhalconMvcModel 为数据查询提供了多种方法。下面的例子将演示如何从一个模型中查找一条或者多条记录:


// How many robots are there?
$robots = Robots::find();
echo "There are ", count($robots), "n";

// How many mechanical robots are there?
$robots = Robots::find("type = 'mechanical'");
echo "There are ", count($robots), "n";

// Get and print virtual robots ordered by name
$robots = Robots::find(
        "type = 'virtual'",
        "order" => "name"
foreach ($robots as $robot) {
    echo $robot->name, "n";

// Get first 100 virtual robots ordered by name
$robots = Robots::find(
        "type = 'virtual'",
        "order" => "name",
        "limit" => 100
foreach ($robots as $robot) {
   echo $robot->name, "n";
If you want find record by external data (such as user input) or variable data you must use `Binding Parameters`_.

你可以使用 findFirst() 方法获取第一条符合查询条件的结果:


// What's the first robot in robots table?
$robot = Robots::findFirst();
echo "The robot name is ", $robot->name, "n";

// What's the first mechanical robot in robots table?
$robot = Robots::findFirst("type = 'mechanical'");
echo "The first mechanical robot name is ", $robot->name, "n";

// Get first virtual robot ordered by name
$robot = Robots::findFirst(
        "type = 'virtual'",
        "order" => "name"
echo "The first virtual robot name is ", $robot->name, "n";

find() 和 findFirst() 方法都接受关联数组作为查询条件:


$robot = Robots::findFirst(
        "type = 'virtual'",
        "order" => "name DESC",
        "limit" => 30

$robots = Robots::find(
        "conditions" => "type = ?1",
        "bind"       => array(1 => "virtual")




$robots = Robots::query()
    ->where("type = :type:")
    ->andWhere("year < 2000")
    ->bind(array("type" => "mechanical"))

静态方法 query() 返回一个对IDE自动完成友好的 PhalconMvcModelCriteria 对象。

所有查询在内部都以 PHQL 查询的方式处理。PHQL是一个高层的、面向对象的类SQL语言。通过PHQL语言你可以使用更多的比如join其他模型、定义分组、添加聚集等特性。

最后,还有一个 findFirstBy<property-name>() 方法。这个方法扩展了前面提及的 “findFirst()” 方法。它允许您利用方法名中的属性名称,通过将要搜索的该字段的内容作为参数传给它,来快速从一个表执行检索操作。

还是用上面用过的 Robots 模型来举例说明:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public $id;

    public $name;

    public $price;

我们这里有3个属性:$id, $name 和 $price。因此,我们以想要查询第一个名称为 ‘Terminator’ 的记录为例,可以这样写:


$name  = "Terminator";
$robot = Robots::findFirstByName($name);

if ($robot) {
    $this->flash->success("The first robot with the name " . $name . " cost " . $robot->price ".");
} else {
    $this->flash->error("There were no robots found in our table with the name " . $name ".");

请注意我们在方法调用中用的是 ‘Name’,并向它传递了变量 $name,$name 的值就是我们想要找的记录的名称。另外注意,当我们的查询找到了符合的记录后,这个记录的其他属性也都是可用的。

模型结果集(Model Resultsets)

findFirst() 方法直接返回一个被调用对象的实例(如果有结果返回的话),而 find() 方法返回一个 PhalconMvcModelResultsetSimple 对象。这个对象也封装进了所有结果集的功能,比如遍历、查找特定的记录、统计等等。

这些对象比一般数组功能更强大。最大的特点是 PhalconMvcModelResultset 每时每刻只有一个结果在内存中。这对操作大数据量时的内存管理相当有帮助。


// Get all robots
$robots = Robots::find();

// Traversing with a foreach
foreach ($robots as $robot) {
    echo $robot->name, "n";

// Traversing with a while
while ($robots->valid()) {
    $robot = $robots->current();
    echo $robot->name, "n";

// Count the resultset
echo count($robots);

// Alternative way to count the resultset
echo $robots->count();

// Move the internal cursor to the third robot
$robot = $robots->current();

// Access a robot by its position in the resultset
$robot = $robots[5];

// Check if there is a record in certain position
if (isset($robots[3])) {
   $robot = $robots[3];

// Get the first record in the resultset
$robot = $robots->getFirst();

// Get the last record
$robot = $robots->getLast();

Phalcon 的结果集模拟了可滚动的游标,你可以通过位置,或者内部指针去访问任何一条特定的记录。注意有一些数据库系统不支持滚动游标,这就使得查询会被重复执行, 以便回放光标到最开始的位置,然后获得相应的记录。类似地,如果多次遍历结果集,那么必须执行相同的查询次数。


注意结果集可以序列化后保存在一个后端缓存里面。 PhalconCache 可以用来实现这个。但是,序列化数据会导致 PhalconMvcModel 将从数据库检索到的所有数据以一个数组的方式保存,因此在这样执行的地方会消耗更多的内存。


// Query all records from model parts
$parts = Parts::find();

// Store the resultset into a file
file_put_contents("cache.txt", serialize($parts));

// Get parts from file
$parts = unserialize(file_get_contents("cache.txt"));

// Traverse the parts
foreach ($parts as $part) {
    echo $part->id;

过滤结果集(Filtering Resultsets)

过滤数据最有效的方法是设置一些查询条件,数据库会利用表的索引快速返回数据。Phalcon 额外的允许你通过任何数据库不支持的方式过滤数据。


$customers = Customers::find()->filter(
    function ($customer) {

        // Return only customers with a valid e-mail
        if (filter_var($customer->email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
            return $customer;

绑定参数(Binding Parameters)

PhalconMvcModel 中也支持绑定参数。即使使用绑定参数对性能有一点很小的影响,还是强烈建议您使用这种方法,以消除代码受SQL注入攻击的可能性。 绑定参数支持字符串和整数占位符。实现方法如下:


// Query robots binding parameters with string placeholders
$conditions = "name = :name: AND type = :type:";

// Parameters whose keys are the same as placeholders
$parameters = array(
    "name" => "Robotina",
    "type" => "maid"

// Perform the query
$robots = Robots::find(
        "bind" => $parameters

// Query robots binding parameters with integer placeholders
$conditions = "name = ?1 AND type = ?2";
$parameters = array(1 => "Robotina", 2 => "maid");
$robots     = Robots::find(
        "bind" => $parameters

// Query robots binding parameters with both string and integer placeholders
$conditions = "name = :name: AND type = ?1";

// Parameters whose keys are the same as placeholders
$parameters = array(
    "name" => "Robotina",
    1      => "maid"

// Perform the query
$robots = Robots::find(
        "bind" => $parameters

When using numeric placeholders, you will need to define them as integers i.e. 1 or 2. In this case “1” or “2” are considered strings and not numbers, so the placeholder could not be successfully replaced.

Strings are automatically escaped using PDO. This function takes into account the connection charset, so its recommended to define the correct charset in the connection parameters or in the database configuration, as a wrong charset will produce undesired effects when storing or retrieving data.

Additionally you can set the parameter “bindTypes”, this allows defining how the parameters should be bound according to its data type:


use PhalconDbColumn;

// Bind parameters
$parameters = array(
    "name" => "Robotina",
    "year" => 2008

// Casting Types
$types = array(
    "name" => Column::BIND_PARAM_STR,
    "year" => Column::BIND_PARAM_INT

// Query robots binding parameters with string placeholders
$robots = Robots::find(
        "name = :name: AND year = :year:",
        "bind"      => $parameters,
        "bindTypes" => $types
Since the default bind-type is PhalconDbColumn::BIND_PARAM_STR, there is no need to specify the “bindTypes” parameter if all of the columns are of that type.

If you bind arrays in bound parameters, keep in mind, that keys must be numbered from zero:


$array = ["a","b","c"]; // $array: [[0] => "a", [1] => "b", [2] => "c"]

unset($array[1]); // $array: [[0] => "a", [2] => "c"]

// Now we have to renumber the keys
$array = array_values($array); // $array: [[0] => "a", [1] => "c"]

$robots = Robots::find(
        'letter IN ({letter:array})',
        'bind' => array(
            'letter' => $array

Bound parameters are available for all query methods such as find() and findFirst() but also the calculation methods like count(), sum(), average() etc.

If you’re using “finders”, bound parameters are automatically used for you:


// Explicit query using bound parameters
$robots = Robots::find(
        "name = ?0",
        "bind" => ["Ultron"],

// Implicit query using bound parameters
$robots = Robots::findByName("Ultron");

获取记录的初始化以及准备(Initializing/Preparing fetched records)

May be the case that after obtaining a record from the database is necessary to initialise the data before being used by the rest of the application. You can implement the method ‘afterFetch’ in a model, this event will be executed just after create the instance and assign the data to it:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public $id;

    public $name;

    public $status;

    public function beforeSave()
        // Convert the array into a string
        $this->status = join(',', $this->status);

    public function afterFetch()
        // Convert the string to an array
        $this->status = explode(',', $this->status);

If you use getters/setters instead of/or together with public properties, you can initialize the field once it is accessed:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public $id;

    public $name;

    public $status;

    public function getStatus()
        return explode(',', $this->status);

模型关系(Relationships between Models)

There are four types of relationships: one-on-one, one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to-many. The relationship may be unidirectional or bidirectional, and each can be simple (a one to one model) or more complex (a combination of models). The model manager manages foreign key constraints for these relationships, the definition of these helps referential integrity as well as easy and fast access of related records to a model. Through the implementation of relations, it is easy to access data in related models from each record in a uniform way.


单向关系(Unidirectional relationships)

Unidirectional relations are those that are generated in relation to one another but not vice versa.

双向关系(Bidirectional relations)

The bidirectional relations build relationships in both models and each model defines the inverse relationship of the other.

定义关系(Defining relationships)

In Phalcon, relationships must be defined in the initialize() method of a model. The methods belongsTo(), hasOne(), hasMany() and hasManyToMany() define the relationship between one or more fields from the current model to fields in another model. Each of these methods requires 3 parameters: local fields, referenced model, referenced fields.

Method Description
hasMany Defines a 1-n relationship
hasOne Defines a 1-1 relationship
belongsTo Defines a n-1 relationship
hasManyToMany Defines a n-n relationship

The following schema shows 3 tables whose relations will serve us as an example regarding relationships:

CREATE TABLE `robots` (
    `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `name` varchar(70) NOT NULL,
    `type` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
    `year` int(11) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

CREATE TABLE `robots_parts` (
    `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `robots_id` int(10) NOT NULL,
    `parts_id` int(10) NOT NULL,
    `created_at` DATE NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
    KEY `robots_id` (`robots_id`),
    KEY `parts_id` (`parts_id`)

CREATE TABLE `parts` (
    `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `name` varchar(70) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  • The model “Robots” has many “RobotsParts”.
  • The model “Parts” has many “RobotsParts”.
  • The model “RobotsParts” belongs to both “Robots” and “Parts” models as a many-to-one relation.
  • The model “Robots” has a relation many-to-many to “Parts” through “RobotsParts”.

Check the EER diagram to understand better the relations:


The models with their relations could be implemented as follows:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public $id;

    public $name;

    public function initialize()
        $this->hasMany("id", "RobotsParts", "robots_id");

use PhalconMvcModel;

class Parts extends Model
    public $id;

    public $name;

    public function initialize()
        $this->hasMany("id", "RobotsParts", "parts_id");

use PhalconMvcModel;

class RobotsParts extends Model
    public $id;

    public $robots_id;

    public $parts_id;

    public function initialize()
        $this->belongsTo("robots_id", "Robots", "id");
        $this->belongsTo("parts_id", "Parts", "id");

The first parameter indicates the field of the local model used in the relationship; the second indicates the name of the referenced model and the third the field name in the referenced model. You could also use arrays to define multiple fields in the relationship.

Many to many relationships require 3 models and define the attributes involved in the relationship:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public $id;

    public $name;

    public function initialize()
            "robots_id", "parts_id",

使用关系(Taking advantage of relationships)

When explicitly defining the relationships between models, it is easy to find related records for a particular record.


$robot = Robots::findFirst(2);
foreach ($robot->robotsParts as $robotPart) {
    echo $robotPart->parts->name, "n";

Phalcon uses the magic methods __set/__get/__call to store or retrieve related data using relationships.

By accessing an attribute with the same name as the relationship will retrieve all its related record(s).


$robot       = Robots::findFirst();
$robotsParts = $robot->robotsParts; // All the related records in RobotsParts

Also, you can use a magic getter:


$robot       = Robots::findFirst();
$robotsParts = $robot->getRobotsParts(); // All the related records in RobotsParts
$robotsParts = $robot->getRobotsParts(array('limit' => 5)); // Passing parameters

If the called method has a “get” prefix PhalconMvcModel will return a findFirst()/find() result. The following example compares retrieving related results with using magic methods and without:


$robot       = Robots::findFirst(2);

// Robots model has a 1-n (hasMany)
// relationship to RobotsParts then
$robotsParts = $robot->robotsParts;

// Only parts that match conditions
$robotsParts = $robot->getRobotsParts("created_at = '2015-03-15'");

// Or using bound parameters
$robotsParts = $robot->getRobotsParts(
        "created_at = :date:",
        "bind" => array(
            "date" => "2015-03-15"

$robotPart   = RobotsParts::findFirst(1);

// RobotsParts model has a n-1 (belongsTo)
// relationship to RobotsParts then
$robot = $robotPart->robots;

Getting related records manually:


$robot       = Robots::findFirst(2);

// Robots model has a 1-n (hasMany)
// relationship to RobotsParts, then
$robotsParts = RobotsParts::find("robots_id = '" . $robot->id . "'");

// Only parts that match conditions
$robotsParts = RobotsParts::find(
    "robots_id = '" . $robot->id . "' AND created_at = '2015-03-15'"

$robotPart   = RobotsParts::findFirst(1);

// RobotsParts model has a n-1 (belongsTo)
// relationship to RobotsParts then
$robot = Robots::findFirst("id = '" . $robotPart->robots_id . "'");

The prefix “get” is used to find()/findFirst() related records. Depending on the type of relation it will use ‘find’ or ‘findFirst’:

Type Description Implicit Method
Belongs-To Returns a model instance of the related record directly findFirst
Has-One Returns a model instance of the related record directly findFirst
Has-Many Returns a collection of model instances of the referenced model find
Has-Many-to-Many Returns a collection of model instances of the referenced model, it implicitly does ‘inner joins’ with the involved models (complex query)

You can also use “count” prefix to return an integer denoting the count of the related records:


$robot = Robots::findFirst(2);
echo "The robot has ", $robot->countRobotsParts(), " partsn";

定义关系(Aliasing Relationships)

To explain better how aliases work, let’s check the following example:

The “robots_similar” table has the function to define what robots are similar to others:

mysql> desc robots_similar;
| Field             | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id                | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| robots_id         | int(10) unsigned | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |
| similar_robots_id | int(10) unsigned | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Both “robots_id” and “similar_robots_id” have a relation to the model Robots:


A model that maps this table and its relationships is the following:


class RobotsSimilar extends PhalconMvcModel
    public function initialize()
        $this->belongsTo('robots_id', 'Robots', 'id');
        $this->belongsTo('similar_robots_id', 'Robots', 'id');

Since both relations point to the same model (Robots), obtain the records related to the relationship could not be clear:


$robotsSimilar = RobotsSimilar::findFirst();

// Returns the related record based on the column (robots_id)
// Also as is a belongsTo it's only returning one record
// but the name 'getRobots' seems to imply that return more than one
$robot = $robotsSimilar->getRobots();

// but, how to get the related record based on the column (similar_robots_id)
// if both relationships have the same name?

The aliases allow us to rename both relationships to solve these problems:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class RobotsSimilar extends Model
    public function initialize()
                'alias' => 'Robot'

                'alias' => 'SimilarRobot'

With the aliasing we can get the related records easily:


$robotsSimilar = RobotsSimilar::findFirst();

// Returns the related record based on the column (robots_id)
$robot = $robotsSimilar->getRobot();
$robot = $robotsSimilar->robot;

// Returns the related record based on the column (similar_robots_id)
$similarRobot = $robotsSimilar->getSimilarRobot();
$similarRobot = $robotsSimilar->similarRobot;

魔术方法 Getters 对比显示方法(Magic Getters vs. Explicit methods)

Most IDEs and editors with auto-completion capabilities can not infer the correct types when using magic getters, instead of use the magic getters you can optionally define those methods explicitly with the corresponding docblocks helping the IDE to produce a better auto-completion:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public $id;

    public $name;

    public function initialize()
        $this->hasMany("id", "RobotsParts", "robots_id");

     * Return the related "robots parts"
     * @return RobotsParts[]
    public function getRobotsParts($parameters = null)
        return $this->getRelated('RobotsParts', $parameters);

虚拟外键(Virtual Foreign Keys)

By default, relationships do not act like database foreign keys, that is, if you try to insert/update a value without having a valid value in the referenced model, Phalcon will not produce a validation message. You can modify this behavior by adding a fourth parameter when defining a relationship.

The RobotsPart model can be changed to demonstrate this feature:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class RobotsParts extends Model
    public $id;

    public $robots_id;

    public $parts_id;

    public function initialize()
                "foreignKey" => true

                "foreignKey" => array(
                    "message" => "The part_id does not exist on the Parts model"

If you alter a belongsTo() relationship to act as foreign key, it will validate that the values inserted/updated on those fields have a valid value on the referenced model. Similarly, if a hasMany()/hasOne() is altered it will validate that the records cannot be deleted if that record is used on a referenced model.


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Parts extends Model
    public function initialize()
                "foreignKey" => array(
                    "message" => "The part cannot be deleted because other robots are using it"

A virtual foreign key can be set up to allow null values as follows:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class RobotsParts extends Model
    public $id;

    public $robots_id;

    public $parts_id;

    public function initialize()
                "foreignKey" => array(
                    "allowNulls" => true,
                    "message"    => "The part_id does not exist on the Parts model"

级联与限制动作(Cascade/Restrict actions)

Relationships that act as virtual foreign keys by default restrict the creation/update/deletion of records to maintain the integrity of data:


namespace StoreModels;

use PhalconMvcModel;
use PhalconMvcModelRelation;

class Robots extends Model
    public $id;

    public $name;

    public function initialize()
                'foreignKey' => array(
                    'action' => Relation::ACTION_CASCADE

The above code set up to delete all the referenced records (parts) if the master record (robot) is deleted.

生成运算(Generating Calculations)

Calculations (or aggregations) are helpers for commonly used functions of database systems such as COUNT, SUM, MAX, MIN or AVG. PhalconMvcModel allows to use these functions directly from the exposed methods.

Count examples:


// How many employees are?
$rowcount = Employees::count();

// How many different areas are assigned to employees?
$rowcount = Employees::count(
        "distinct" => "area"

// How many employees are in the Testing area?
$rowcount = Employees::count(
    "area = 'Testing'"

// Count employees grouping results by their area
$group = Employees::count(
        "group" => "area"
foreach ($group as $row) {
   echo "There are ", $row->rowcount, " in ", $row->area;

// Count employees grouping by their area and ordering the result by count
$group = Employees::count(
        "group" => "area",
        "order" => "rowcount"

// Avoid SQL injections using bound parameters
$group = Employees::count(
        "type > ?0",
        "bind" => array($type)

Sum examples:


// How much are the salaries of all employees?
$total = Employees::sum(
        "column" => "salary"

// How much are the salaries of all employees in the Sales area?
$total = Employees::sum(
        "column"     => "salary",
        "conditions" => "area = 'Sales'"

// Generate a grouping of the salaries of each area
$group = Employees::sum(
        "column" => "salary",
        "group"  => "area"
foreach ($group as $row) {
   echo "The sum of salaries of the ", $row->area, " is ", $row->sumatory;

// Generate a grouping of the salaries of each area ordering
// salaries from higher to lower
$group = Employees::sum(
        "column" => "salary",
        "group"  => "area",
        "order"  => "sumatory DESC"

// Avoid SQL injections using bound parameters
$group = Employees::sum(
        "conditions" => "area > ?0",
        "bind"       => array($area)

Average examples:


// What is the average salary for all employees?
$average = Employees::average(
        "column" => "salary"

// What is the average salary for the Sales's area employees?
$average = Employees::average(
        "column"     => "salary",
        "conditions" => "area = 'Sales'"

// Avoid SQL injections using bound parameters
$average = Employees::average(
        "column"     => "age",
        "conditions" => "area > ?0",
        "bind"       => array($area)

Max/Min examples:


// What is the oldest age of all employees?
$age = Employees::maximum(
        "column" => "age"

// What is the oldest of employees from the Sales area?
$age = Employees::maximum(
        "column"     => "age",
        "conditions" => "area = 'Sales'"

// What is the lowest salary of all employees?
$salary = Employees::minimum(
        "column" => "salary"

Hydration Modes

As mentioned above, resultsets are collections of complete objects, this means that every returned result is an object representing a row in the database. These objects can be modified and saved again to persistence:


// Manipulating a resultset of complete objects
foreach (Robots::find() as $robot) {
    $robot->year = 2000;

Sometimes records are obtained only to be presented to a user in read-only mode, in these cases it may be useful to change the way in which records are represented to facilitate their handling. The strategy used to represent objects returned in a resultset is called ‘hydration mode’:


use PhalconMvcModelResultset;

$robots = Robots::find();

// Return every robot as an array

foreach ($robots as $robot) {
    echo $robot['year'], PHP_EOL;

// Return every robot as a stdClass

foreach ($robots as $robot) {
    echo $robot->year, PHP_EOL;

// Return every robot as a Robots instance

foreach ($robots as $robot) {
    echo $robot->year, PHP_EOL;

Hydration mode can also be passed as a parameter of ‘find’:


use PhalconMvcModelResultset;

$robots = Robots::find(
        'hydration' => Resultset::HYDRATE_ARRAYS

foreach ($robots as $robot) {
    echo $robot['year'], PHP_EOL;

创建与更新记录(Creating Updating/Records)

The method PhalconMvcModel::save() allows you to create/update records according to whether they already exist in the table associated with a model. The save method is called internally by the create and update methods of PhalconMvcModel. For this to work as expected it is necessary to have properly defined a primary key in the entity to determine whether a record should be updated or created.

Also the method executes associated validators, virtual foreign keys and events that are defined in the model:


$robot       = new Robots();
$robot->type = "mechanical";
$robot->name = "Astro Boy";
$robot->year = 1952;

if ($robot->save() == false) {
    echo "Umh, We can't store robots right now: n";
    foreach ($robot->getMessages() as $message) {
        echo $message, "n";
} else {
    echo "Great, a new robot was saved successfully!";

An array could be passed to “save” to avoid assign every column manually. PhalconMvcModel will check if there are setters implemented for the columns passed in the array giving priority to them instead of assign directly the values of the attributes:


$robot = new Robots();

        "type" => "mechanical",
        "name" => "Astro Boy",
        "year" => 1952

Values assigned directly or via the array of attributes are escaped/sanitized according to the related attribute data type. So you can pass an insecure array without worrying about possible SQL injections:


$robot = new Robots();
Without precautions mass assignment could allow attackers to set any database column’s value. Only use this feature if you want to permit a user to insert/update every column in the model, even if those fields are not in the submitted form.

You can set an additional parameter in ‘save’ to set a whitelist of fields that only must taken into account when doing the mass assignment:


$robot = new Robots();


创建与更新结果判断(Create/Update with Confidence)

When an application has a lot of competition, we could be expecting create a record but it is actually updated. This could happen if we use PhalconMvcModel::save() to persist the records in the database. If we want to be absolutely sure that a record is created or updated, we can change the save() call with create() or update():


$robot       = new Robots();
$robot->type = "mechanical";
$robot->name = "Astro Boy";
$robot->year = 1952;

// This record only must be created
if ($robot->create() == false) {
    echo "Umh, We can't store robots right now: n";
    foreach ($robot->getMessages() as $message) {
        echo $message, "n";
} else {
    echo "Great, a new robot was created successfully!";

These methods “create” and “update” also accept an array of values as parameter.

自动生成标识列(Auto-generated identity columns)

Some models may have identity columns. These columns usually are the primary key of the mapped table. PhalconMvcModel can recognize the identity column omitting it in the generated SQL INSERT, so the database system can generate an auto-generated value for it. Always after creating a record, the identity field will be registered with the value generated in the database system for it:



echo "The generated id is: ", $robot->id;

PhalconMvcModel is able to recognize the identity column. Depending on the database system, those columns may be serial columns like in PostgreSQL or auto_increment columns in the case of MySQL.

PostgreSQL uses sequences to generate auto-numeric values, by default, Phalcon tries to obtain the generated value from the sequence “table_field_seq”, for example: robots_id_seq, if that sequence has a different name, the method “getSequenceName” needs to be implemented:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public function getSequenceName()
        return "robots_sequence_name";

验证信息(Validation Messages)

PhalconMvcModel has a messaging subsystem that provides a flexible way to output or store the validation messages generated during the insert/update processes.

Each message consists of an instance of the class PhalconMvcModelMessage. The set of messages generated can be retrieved with the method getMessages(). Each message provides extended information like the field name that generated the message or the message type:


if ($robot->save() == false) {
    foreach ($robot->getMessages() as $message) {
        echo "Message: ", $message->getMessage();
        echo "Field: ", $message->getField();
        echo "Type: ", $message->getType();

PhalconMvcModel can generate the following types of validation messages:

Type Description
PresenceOf Generated when a field with a non-null attribute on the database is trying to insert/update a null value
ConstraintViolation Generated when a field part of a virtual foreign key is trying to insert/update a value that doesn’t exist in the referenced model
InvalidValue Generated when a validator failed because of an invalid value
InvalidCreateAttempt Produced when a record is attempted to be created but it already exists
InvalidUpdateAttempt Produced when a record is attempted to be updated but it doesn’t exist

The method getMessages() can be overridden in a model to replace/translate the default messages generated automatically by the ORM:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public function getMessages()
        $messages = array();
        foreach (parent::getMessages() as $message) {
            switch ($message->getType()) {
                case 'InvalidCreateAttempt':
                    $messages[] = 'The record cannot be created because it already exists';
                case 'InvalidUpdateAttempt':
                    $messages[] = 'The record cannot be updated because it already exists';
                case 'PresenceOf':
                    $messages[] = 'The field ' . $message->getField() . ' is mandatory';

        return $messages;

事件与事件管理器(Events and Events Manager)

Models allow you to implement events that will be thrown when performing an insert/update/delete. They help define business rules for a certain model. The following are the events supported by PhalconMvcModel and their order of execution:

Operation Name Can stop operation? Explanation
Inserting/Updating beforeValidation YES Is executed before the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys
Inserting beforeValidationOnCreate YES Is executed before the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys when an insertion operation is being made
Updating beforeValidationOnUpdate YES Is executed before the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys when an updating operation is being made
Inserting/Updating onValidationFails YES (already stopped) Is executed after an integrity validator fails
Inserting afterValidationOnCreate YES Is executed after the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys when an insertion operation is being made
Updating afterValidationOnUpdate YES Is executed after the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys when an updating operation is being made
Inserting/Updating afterValidation YES Is executed after the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys
Inserting/Updating beforeSave YES Runs before the required operation over the database system
Updating beforeUpdate YES Runs before the required operation over the database system only when an updating operation is being made
Inserting beforeCreate YES Runs before the required operation over the database system only when an inserting operation is being made
Updating afterUpdate NO Runs after the required operation over the database system only when an updating operation is being made
Inserting afterCreate NO Runs after the required operation over the database system only when an inserting operation is being made
Inserting/Updating afterSave NO Runs after the required operation over the database system

模型中自定义事件(Implementing Events in the Model’s class)

The easier way to make a model react to events is implement a method with the same name of the event in the model’s class:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public function beforeValidationOnCreate()
        echo "This is executed before creating a Robot!";

Events can be useful to assign values before performing an operation, for example:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Products extends Model
    public function beforeCreate()
        // Set the creation date
        $this->created_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

    public function beforeUpdate()
        // Set the modification date
        $this->modified_in = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

使用自定义事件管理器(Using a custom Events Manager)

Additionally, this component is integrated with PhalconEventsManager, this means we can create listeners that run when an event is triggered.


use PhalconMvcModel;
use PhalconEventsManager as EventsManager;

class Robots extends Model
    public function initialize()
        $eventsManager = new EventsManager();

        // Attach an anonymous function as a listener for "model" events
        $eventsManager->attach('model', function ($event, $robot) {
            if ($event->getType() == 'beforeSave') {
                if ($robot->name == 'Scooby Doo') {
                    echo "Scooby Doo isn't a robot!";
                    return false;

            return true;

        // Attach the events manager to the event

In the example given above, the Events Manager only acts as a bridge between an object and a listener (the anonymous function). Events will be fired to the listener when ‘robots’ are saved:


$robot       = new Robots();
$robot->name = 'Scooby Doo';
$robot->year = 1969;


If we want all objects created in our application use the same EventsManager, then we need to assign it to the Models Manager:


// Registering the modelsManager service
$di->setShared('modelsManager', function () {

    $eventsManager = new PhalconEventsManager();

    // Attach an anonymous function as a listener for "model" events
    $eventsManager->attach('model', function ($event, $model) {

        // Catch events produced by the Robots model
        if (get_class($model) == 'Robots') {

            if ($event->getType() == 'beforeSave') {
                if ($model->name == 'Scooby Doo') {
                    echo "Scooby Doo isn't a robot!";
                    return false;

        return true;

    // Setting a default EventsManager
    $modelsManager = new ModelsManager();

    return $modelsManager;

If a listener returns false that will stop the operation that is executing currently.

实现业务逻辑(Implementing a Business Rule)

When an insert, update or delete is executed, the model verifies if there are any methods with the names of the events listed in the table above.

We recommend that validation methods are declared protected to prevent that business logic implementation from being exposed publicly.

The following example implements an event that validates the year cannot be smaller than 0 on update or insert:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public function beforeSave()
        if ($this->year < 0) {
            echo "Year cannot be smaller than zero!";
            return false;

Some events return false as an indication to stop the current operation. If an event doesn’t return anything, PhalconMvcModel will assume a true value.

验证数据完整性(Validating Data Integrity)

PhalconMvcModel provides several events to validate data and implement business rules. The special “validation” event allows us to call built-in validators over the record. Phalcon exposes a few built-in validators that can be used at this stage of validation.

The following example shows how to use it:


use PhalconMvcModel;
use PhalconMvcModelValidatorUniqueness;
use PhalconMvcModelValidatorInclusionIn;

class Robots extends Model
    public function validation()
            new InclusionIn(
                    "field"  => "type",
                    "domain" => array("Mechanical", "Virtual")

            new Uniqueness(
                    "field"   => "name",
                    "message" => "The robot name must be unique"

        return $this->validationHasFailed() != true;

The above example performs a validation using the built-in validator “InclusionIn”. It checks the value of the field “type” in a domain list. If the value is not included in the method then the validator will fail and return false. The following built-in validators are available:

Name Explanation Example
PresenceOf Validates that a field’s value isn’t null or empty string. This validator is automatically added based on the attributes marked as not null on the mapped table Example
Email Validates that field contains a valid email format Example
ExclusionIn Validates that a value is not within a list of possible values Example
InclusionIn Validates that a value is within a list of possible values Example
Numericality Validates that a field has a numeric format Example
Regex Validates that the value of a field matches a regular expression Example
Uniqueness Validates that a field or a combination of a set of fields are not present more than once in the existing records of the related table Example
StringLength Validates the length of a string Example
Url Validates that a value has a valid URL format Example

In addition to the built-in validators, you can create your own validators:


use PhalconMvcModelValidator;
use PhalconMvcModelValidatorInterface;
use PhalconMvcEntityInterface;

class MaxMinValidator extends Validator implements ValidatorInterface
    public function validate(EntityInterface $model)
        $field = $this->getOption('field');

        $min   = $this->getOption('min');
        $max   = $this->getOption('max');

        $value = $model->$field;

        if ($min <= $value && $value <= $max) {
                "The field doesn't have the right range of values",

            return false;

        return true;
NOTE Up to version 2.0.4 $model must be PhalconMvcModelInterface instance (public function validate(PhalconMvcModelInterface $model)).

Adding the validator to a model:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Customers extends Model
    public function validation()
            new MaxMinValidator(
                    "field" => "price",
                    "min"   => 10,
                    "max"   => 100

        if ($this->validationHasFailed() == true) {
            return false;

The idea of creating validators is make them reusable between several models. A validator can also be as simple as:


use PhalconMvcModel;
use PhalconMvcModelMessage;

class Robots extends Model
    public function validation()
        if ($this->type == "Old") {
            $message = new Message(
                "Sorry, old robots are not allowed anymore",


            return false;

        return true;

Avoiding SQL injections

Every value assigned to a model attribute is escaped depending of its data type. A developer doesn’t need to escape manually each value before storing it on the database. Phalcon uses internally the bound parameters capability provided by PDO to automatically escape every value to be stored in the database.

mysql> desc products;
| Field            | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id               | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| product_types_id | int(10) unsigned | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |
| name             | varchar(70)      | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| price            | decimal(16,2)    | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| active           | char(1)          | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

If we use just PDO to store a record in a secure way, we need to write the following code:


$name           = 'Artichoke';
$price          = 10.5;
$active         = 'Y';
$productTypesId = 1;

$sql = 'INSERT INTO products VALUES (null, :productTypesId, :name, :price, :active)';
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);

$sth->bindParam(':productTypesId', $productTypesId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$sth->bindParam(':name', $name, PDO::PARAM_STR, 70);
$sth->bindParam(':price', doubleval($price));
$sth->bindParam(':active', $active, PDO::PARAM_STR, 1);


The good news is that Phalcon do this for you automatically:


$product                   = new Products();
$product->product_types_id = 1;
$product->name             = 'Artichoke';
$product->price            = 10.5;
$product->active           = 'Y';


忽略指定列的数据(Skipping Columns)

To tell PhalconMvcModel that always omits some fields in the creation and/or update of records in order to delegate the database system the assignation of the values by a trigger or a default:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public function initialize()
        // Skips fields/columns on both INSERT/UPDATE operations

        // Skips only when inserting

        // Skips only when updating

This will ignore globally these fields on each INSERT/UPDATE operation on the whole application. If you want to ignore different attributes on different INSERT/UPDATE operations, you can specify the second parameter (boolean) - true for replacement. Forcing a default value can be done in the following way:


use PhalconDbRawValue;

$robot             = new Robots();
$robot->name       = 'Bender';
$robot->year       = 1999;
$robot->created_at = new RawValue('default');


A callback also can be used to create a conditional assignment of automatic default values:


use PhalconMvcModel;
use PhalconDbRawValue;

class Robots extends Model
    public function beforeCreate()
        if ($this->price > 10000) {
            $this->type = new RawValue('default');
Never use a PhalconDbRawValue to assign external data (such as user input) or variable data. The value of these fields is ignored when binding parameters to the query. So it could be used to attack the application injecting SQL.

动态更新(Dynamic Update)

SQL UPDATE statements are by default created with every column defined in the model (full all-field SQL update). You can change specific models to make dynamic updates, in this case, just the fields that had changed are used to create the final SQL statement.

In some cases this could improve the performance by reducing the traffic between the application and the database server, this specially helps when the table has blob/text fields:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public function initialize()

删除记录(Deleting Records)

The method PhalconMvcModel::delete() allows to delete a record. You can use it as follows:


$robot = Robots::findFirst(11);

if ($robot != false) {
    if ($robot->delete() == false) {
        echo "Sorry, we can't delete the robot right now: n";

        foreach ($robot->getMessages() as $message) {
            echo $message, "n";
    } else {
        echo "The robot was deleted successfully!";

You can also delete many records by traversing a resultset with a foreach:


foreach (Robots::find("type='mechanical'") as $robot) {
    if ($robot->delete() == false) {
        echo "Sorry, we can't delete the robot right now: n";

        foreach ($robot->getMessages() as $message) {
            echo $message, "n";
    } else {
        echo "The robot was deleted successfully!";

The following events are available to define custom business rules that can be executed when a delete operation is performed:

Operation Name Can stop operation? Explanation
Deleting beforeDelete YES Runs before the delete operation is made
Deleting afterDelete NO Runs after the delete operation was made

With the above events can also define business rules in the models:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public function beforeDelete()
        if ($this->status == 'A') {
            echo "The robot is active, it can't be deleted";

            return false;

        return true;

验证失败事件(Validation Failed Events)

Another type of events are available when the data validation process finds any inconsistency:

Operation Name Explanation
Insert or Update notSaved Triggered when the INSERT or UPDATE operation fails for any reason
Insert, Delete or Update onValidationFails Triggered when any data manipulation operation fails


Behaviors are shared conducts that several models may adopt in order to re-use code, the ORM provides an API to implement behaviors in your models. Also, you can use the events and callbacks as seen before as an alternative to implement Behaviors with more freedom.

A behavior must be added in the model initializer, a model can have zero or more behaviors:


use PhalconMvcModel;
use PhalconMvcModelBehaviorTimestampable;

class Users extends Model
    public $id;

    public $name;

    public $created_at;

    public function initialize()
            new Timestampable(
                    'beforeCreate' => array(
                        'field'  => 'created_at',
                        'format' => 'Y-m-d'

The following built-in behaviors are provided by the framework:

Name Description
Timestampable Allows to automatically update a model’s attribute saving the datetime when a record is created or updated
SoftDelete Instead of permanently delete a record it marks the record as deleted changing the value of a flag column


This behavior receives an array of options, the first level key must be an event name indicating when the column must be assigned:


use PhalconMvcModelBehaviorTimestampable;

public function initialize()
        new Timestampable(
                'beforeCreate' => array(
                    'field'  => 'created_at',
                    'format' => 'Y-m-d'

Each event can have its own options, ‘field’ is the name of the column that must be updated, if ‘format’ is a string it will be used as format of the PHP’s function date, format can also be an anonymous function providing you the free to generate any kind timestamp:


use PhalconMvcModelBehaviorTimestampable;

public function initialize()
        new Timestampable(
                'beforeCreate' => array(
                    'field'  => 'created_at',
                    'format' => function () {
                        $datetime = new Datetime(new DateTimeZone('Europe/Stockholm'));
                        return $datetime->format('Y-m-d H:i:sP');

If the option ‘format’ is omitted a timestamp using the PHP’s function time, will be used.


This behavior can be used in the following way:


use PhalconMvcModel;
use PhalconMvcModelBehaviorSoftDelete;

class Users extends Model
    const DELETED = 'D';

    const NOT_DELETED = 'N';

    public $id;

    public $name;

    public $status;

    public function initialize()
            new SoftDelete(
                    'field' => 'status',
                    'value' => Users::DELETED

This behavior accepts two options: ‘field’ and ‘value’, ‘field’ determines what field must be updated and ‘value’ the value to be deleted. Let’s pretend the table ‘users’ has the following data:

mysql> select * from users;
| id | name    | status |
|  1 | Lana    | N      |
|  2 | Brandon | N      |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

If we delete any of the two records the status will be updated instead of delete the record:



The operation will result in the following data in the table:

mysql> select * from users;
| id | name    | status |
|  1 | Lana    | N      |
|  2 | Brandon | D      |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Note that you need to specify the deleted condition in your queries to effectively ignore them as deleted records, this behavior doesn’t support that.

创建行为(Creating your own behaviors)

The ORM provides an API to create your own behaviors. A behavior must be a class implementing the PhalconMvcModelBehaviorInterface Also, PhalconMvcModelBehavior provides most of the methods needed to ease the implementation of behaviors.

The following behavior is an example, it implements the Blameable behavior which helps identify the user that is performed operations over a model:


use PhalconMvcModelBehavior;
use PhalconMvcModelBehaviorInterface;

class Blameable extends Behavior implements BehaviorInterface
    public function notify($eventType, $model)
        switch ($eventType) {

            case 'afterCreate':
            case 'afterDelete':
            case 'afterUpdate':

                $userName = // ... get the current user from session

                // Store in a log the username - event type and primary key
                    $userName . ' ' . $eventType . ' ' . $model->id


                /* ignore the rest of events */

The former is a very simple behavior, but it illustrates how to create a behavior, now let’s add this behavior to a model:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Profiles extends Model
    public function initialize()
        $this->addBehavior(new Blameable());

A behavior is also capable of intercepting missing methods on your models:


use PhalconTag;
use PhalconMvcModelBehavior;
use PhalconMvcModelBehaviorInterface;

class Sluggable extends Behavior implements BehaviorInterface
    public function missingMethod($model, $method, $arguments = array())
        // If the method is 'getSlug' convert the title
        if ($method == 'getSlug') {
            return Tag::friendlyTitle($model->title);

Call that method on a model that implements Sluggable returns a SEO friendly title:


$title = $post->getSlug();

使用 Traits 实现行为(Using Traits as behaviors)

Starting from PHP 5.4 you can use Traits to re-use code in your classes, this is another way to implement custom behaviors. The following trait implements a simple version of the Timestampable behavior:


trait MyTimestampable
    public function beforeCreate()
        $this->created_at = date('r');

    public function beforeUpdate()
        $this->updated_at = date('r');

Then you can use it in your model as follows:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Products extends Model
    use MyTimestampable;

独立的列映射(Independent Column Mapping)

The ORM supports an independent column map, which allows the developer to use different column names in the model to the ones in the table. Phalcon will recognize the new column names and will rename them accordingly to match the respective columns in the database. This is a great feature when one needs to rename fields in the database without having to worry about all the queries in the code. A change in the column map in the model will take care of the rest. For example:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public $code;

    public $theName;

    public $theType;

    public $theYear;

    public function columnMap()
        // Keys are the real names in the table and
        // the values their names in the application
        return array(
            'id'       => 'code',
            'the_name' => 'theName',
            'the_type' => 'theType',
            'the_year' => 'theYear'

Then you can use the new names naturally in your code:


// Find a robot by its name
$robot = Robots::findFirst("theName = 'Voltron'");
echo $robot->theName, "n";

// Get robots ordered by type
$robot = Robots::find(
        'order' => 'theType DESC'
foreach ($robots as $robot) {
    echo 'Code: ', $robot->code, "n";

// Create a robot
$robot          = new Robots();
$robot->code    = '10101';
$robot->theName = 'Bender';
$robot->theType = 'Industrial';
$robot->theYear = 2999;


Take into consideration the following the next when renaming your columns:

  • References to attributes in relationships/validators must use the new names
  • Refer the real column names will result in an exception by the ORM

The independent column map allow you to:

  • Write applications using your own conventions
  • Eliminate vendor prefixes/suffixes in your code
  • Change column names without change your application code

在结果集中操作(Operations over Resultsets)

If a resultset is composed of complete objects, the resultset is in the ability to perform operations on the records obtained in a simple manner:

记录快照(Record Snapshots)

Specific models could be set to maintain a record snapshot when they’re queried. You can use this feature to implement auditing or just to know what fields are changed according to the data queried from the persistence:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public function initialize()

When activating this feature the application consumes a bit more of memory to keep track of the original values obtained from the persistence. In models that have this feature activated you can check what fields changed:


// Get a record from the database
$robot = Robots::findFirst();

// Change a column
$robot->name = 'Other name';

var_dump($robot->getChangedFields()); // ['name']
var_dump($robot->hasChanged('name')); // true
var_dump($robot->hasChanged('type')); // false

设置模式(Pointing to a different schema)

If a model is mapped to a table that is in a different schemas/databases than the default. You can use the getSchema method to define that:

如果一个模型映射到一个在非默认的schemas/数据库中的表,你可以通过 getSchema 方法去定义它:


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public function getSchema()
        return "toys";

设置多个数据库(Setting multiple databases)

In Phalcon, all models can belong to the same database connection or have an individual one. Actually, when PhalconMvcModel needs to connect to the database it requests the “db” service in the application’s services container. You can overwrite this service setting it in the initialize method:

在Phalcon中,所有模型可以属于同一个数据库连接,也可以分属独立的数据库连接。实际上,当 PhalconMvcModel 需要连接数据库的时候,它在应用服务容器内请求”db”这个服务。 可以通过在 initialize 方法内重写这个服务的设置。


use PhalconDbAdapterPdoMysql as MysqlPdo;
use PhalconDbAdapterPdoPostgreSQL as PostgreSQLPdo;

// This service returns a MySQL database
$di->set('dbMysql', function () {
    return new MysqlPdo(
            "host"     => "localhost",
            "username" => "root",
            "password" => "secret",
            "dbname"   => "invo"

// This service returns a PostgreSQL database
$di->set('dbPostgres', function () {
    return new PostgreSQLPdo(
            "host"     => "localhost",
            "username" => "postgres",
            "password" => "",
            "dbname"   => "invo"

Then, in the Initialize method, we define the connection service for the model:

然后,在 Initialize 方法内,我们为这个模型定义数据库连接。


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public function initialize()

But Phalcon offers you more flexibility, you can define the connection that must be used to ‘read’ and for ‘write’. This is specially useful to balance the load to your databases implementing a master-slave architecture:

另外Phalcon还提供了更多的灵活性,你可分别定义用来读取和写入的数据库连接。这对实现主从架构的数据库负载均衡非常有用。 (译者注:EvaEngine项目为使用Phalcon提供了更多的灵活性,推荐了解和使用)


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public function initialize()

The ORM also provides Horizontal Sharding facilities, by allowing you to implement a ‘shard’ selection according to the current query conditions:

另外ORM还可以通过根据当前查询条件来实现一个 ‘shard’ 选择器,来实现水平切分的功能。


use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
     * Dynamically selects a shard
     * @param array $intermediate
     * @param array $bindParams
     * @param array $bindTypes
    public function selectReadConnection($intermediate, $bindParams, $bindTypes)
        // Check if there is a 'where' clause in the select
        if (isset($intermediate['where'])) {

            $conditions = $intermediate['where'];

            // Choose the possible shard according to the conditions
            if ($conditions['left']['name'] == 'id') {
                $id = $conditions['right']['value'];

                if ($id > 0 && $id < 10000) {
                    return $this->getDI()->get('dbShard1');

                if ($id > 10000) {
                    return $this->getDI()->get('dbShard2');

        // Use a default shard
        return $this->getDI()->get('dbShard0');

The method ‘selectReadConnection’ is called to choose the right connection, this method intercepts any new query executed:

‘selectReadConnection’ 方法用来选择正确的数据库连接,这个方法拦截任何新的查询操作:


$robot = Robots::findFirst('id = 101');

记录底层 SQL 语句(Logging Low-Level SQL Statements)

When using high-level abstraction components such as PhalconMvcModel to access a database, it is difficult to understand which statements are finally sent to the database system. PhalconMvcModel is supported internally by PhalconDb. PhalconLogger interacts with PhalconDb, providing logging capabilities on the database abstraction layer, thus allowing us to log SQL statements as they happen.


use PhalconLogger;
use PhalconEventsManager;
use PhalconLoggerAdapterFile as FileLogger;
use PhalconDbAdapterPdoMysql as Connection;

$di->set('db', function () {

    $eventsManager = new EventsManager();

    $logger = new FileLogger("app/logs/debug.log");

    // Listen all the database events
    $eventsManager->attach('db', function ($event, $connection) use ($logger) {
        if ($event->getType() == 'beforeQuery') {
            $logger->log($connection->getSQLStatement(), Logger::INFO);

    $connection = new Connection(
            "host"     => "localhost",
            "username" => "root",
            "password" => "secret",
            "dbname"   => "invo"

    // Assign the eventsManager to the db adapter instance

    return $connection;

As models access the default database connection, all SQL statements that are sent to the database system will be logged in the file:


$robot             = new Robots();
$robot->name       = "Robby the Robot";
$robot->created_at = "1956-07-21";

if ($robot->save() == false) {
    echo "Cannot save robot";

As above, the file app/logs/db.log will contain something like this:

[Mon, 30 Apr 12 13:47:18 -0500][DEBUG][Resource Id #77] INSERT INTO robots
(name, created_at) VALUES ('Robby the Robot', '1956-07-21')

分析 SQL 语句(Profiling SQL Statements)

Thanks to PhalconDb, the underlying component of PhalconMvcModel, it’s possible to profile the SQL statements generated by the ORM in order to analyze the performance of database operations. With this you can diagnose performance problems and to discover bottlenecks.


use PhalconDbProfiler as ProfilerDb;
use PhalconEventsManager as EventsManager;
use PhalconDbAdapterPdoMysql as MysqlPdo;

$di->set('profiler', function () {
    return new ProfilerDb();
}, true);

$di->set('db', function () use ($di) {

    $eventsManager = new EventsManager();

    // Get a shared instance of the DbProfiler
    $profiler      = $di->getProfiler();

    // Listen all the database events
    $eventsManager->attach('db', function ($event, $connection) use ($profiler) {
        if ($event->getType() == 'beforeQuery') {

        if ($event->getType() == 'afterQuery') {

    $connection = new MysqlPdo(
            "host"     => "localhost",
            "username" => "root",
            "password" => "secret",
            "dbname"   => "invo"

    // Assign the eventsManager to the db adapter instance

    return $connection;

Profiling some queries:


// Send some SQL statements to the database
        "order" => "name"
        "limit" => 30

// Get the generated profiles from the profiler
$profiles = $di->get('profiler')->getProfiles();

foreach ($profiles as $profile) {
   echo "SQL Statement: ", $profile->getSQLStatement(), "n";
   echo "Start Time: ", $profile->getInitialTime(), "n";
   echo "Final Time: ", $profile->getFinalTime(), "n";
   echo "Total Elapsed Time: ", $profile->getTotalElapsedSeconds(), "n";

Each generated profile contains the duration in milliseconds that each instruction takes to complete as well as the generated SQL statement.

注入服务到模型(Injecting services into Models)

You may be required to access the application services within a model, the following example explains how to do that:



use PhalconMvcModel;

class Robots extends Model
    public function notSaved()
        // Obtain the flash service from the DI container
        $flash = $this->getDI()->getFlash();

        // Show validation messages
        foreach ($this->getMessages() as $message) {

The “notSaved” event is triggered every time that a “create” or “update” action fails. So we’re flashing the validation messages obtaining the “flash” service from the DI container. By doing this, we don’t have to print messages after each save.

每当 “create” 或者 “update” 操作失败时会触发 “notSave” 事件。所以我们从DI中获取 “flash” 服务并推送确认消息。这样的话,我们不需要每次在save之后去打印信息。

禁用或启用特性(Disabling/Enabling Features)

In the ORM we have implemented a mechanism that allow you to enable/disable specific features or options globally on the fly. According to how you use the ORM you can disable that you aren’t using. These options can also be temporarily disabled if required:


use PhalconMvcModel;

        'events'         => false,
        'columnRenaming' => false

The available options are:

Option Description Default
events Enables/Disables callbacks, hooks and event notifications from all the models true
columnRenaming Enables/Disables the column renaming true
notNullValidations The ORM automatically validate the not null columns present in the mapped table true
virtualForeignKeys Enables/Disables the virtual foreign keys true
phqlLiterals Enables/Disables literals in the PHQL parser true
lateStateBinding Enables/Disables late state binding of the method MvcModel::cloneResultMap false

独立的组件(Stand-Alone component)

Using PhalconMvcModel in a stand-alone mode can be demonstrated below:


use PhalconDI;
use PhalconMvcModel;
use PhalconMvcModelManager as ModelsManager;
use PhalconDbAdapterPdoSqlite as Connection;
use PhalconMvcModelMetadataMemory as MetaData;

$di = new DI();

// Setup a connection
    new Connection(
            "dbname" => "sample.db"

// Set a models manager
$di->set('modelsManager', new ModelsManager());

// Use the memory meta-data adapter or other
$di->set('modelsMetadata', new MetaData());

// Create a model
class Robots extends Model


// Use the model
echo Robots::count();
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