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发布于 2015-08-21 15:15:53 | 257 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理

Tutorial 4: Using CRUDs

Backends usually provides forms to allow users to manipulate data. Continuing the explanation of INVO, we now address the creation of CRUDs, a very common task that Phalcon will facilitate you using forms, validations, paginators and more.

Working with the CRUD

Most options that manipulate data in INVO (companies, products and types of products), were developed using a basic and common CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete). Each CRUD contains the following files:


Each controller has the following actions:


class ProductsController extends ControllerBase

     * The start action, it shows the "search" view
    public function indexAction()
        // ...

     * Execute the "search" based on the criteria sent from the "index"
     * Returning a paginator for the results
    public function searchAction()
        // ...

     * Shows the view to create a "new" product
    public function newAction()
        // ...

     * Shows the view to "edit" an existing product
    public function editAction()
        // ...

     * Creates a product based on the data entered in the "new" action
    public function createAction()
        // ...

     * Updates a product based on the data entered in the "edit" action
    public function saveAction()
        // ...

     * Deletes an existing product
    public function deleteAction($id)
        // ...


The Search Form

Every CRUD starts with a search form. This form shows each field that has the table (products), allowing the user to create a search criteria from any field. Table “products” has a relationship to the table “products_types”. In this case, we previously queried the records in this table in order to facilitate the search by that field:


 * The start action, it shows the "search" view
public function indexAction()
    $this->persistent->searchParams = null;
    $this->view->form = new ProductsForm;

An instance of the form ProductsForm (app/forms/ProductsForm.php) is passed to the view. This form defines the fields that are visible to the user:


use PhalconFormsForm;
use PhalconFormsElementText;
use PhalconFormsElementHidden;
use PhalconFormsElementSelect;
use PhalconValidationValidatorEmail;
use PhalconValidationValidatorPresenceOf;
use PhalconValidationValidatorNumericality;

class ProductsForm extends Form

     * Initialize the products form
    public function initialize($entity = null, $options = array())

        if (!isset($options['edit'])) {
            $element = new Text("id");
        } else {
            $this->add(new Hidden("id"));

        $name = new Text("name");
        $name->setFilters(array('striptags', 'string'));
            new PresenceOf(array(
                'message' => 'Name is required'

        $type = new Select('profilesId', ProductTypes::find(), array(
            'using'      => array('id', 'name'),
            'useEmpty'   => true,
            'emptyText'  => '...',
            'emptyValue' => ''

        $price = new Text("price");
            new PresenceOf(array(
                'message' => 'Price is required'
            new Numericality(array(
                'message' => 'Price is required'

The form is declared using an object-oriented scheme based on the elements provided by the forms component. Every element follows almost the same structure:


// Create the element
$name = new Text("name");

// Set its label

// Before validating the element apply these filters
$name->setFilters(array('striptags', 'string'));

// Apply this validators
    new PresenceOf(array(
        'message' => 'Name is required'

// Add the element to the form

Other elements are also used in this form:


// Add a hidden input to the form
$this->add(new Hidden("id"));

// ...

// Add a HTML Select (list) to the form
// and fill it with data from "product_types"
$type = new Select('profilesId', ProductTypes::find(), array(
    'using'      => array('id', 'name'),
    'useEmpty'   => true,
    'emptyText'  => '...',
    'emptyValue' => ''

Note that ProductTypes::find() contains the data necessary to fill the SELECT tag using PhalconTag::select. Once the form is passed to the view, it can be rendered and presented to the user:

{{ form("products/search") }}

<h2>Search products</h2>


    {% for element in form %}
        <div class="control-group">
            {{ element.label(['class': 'control-label']) }}
            <div class="controls">{{ element }}</div>
    {% endfor %}

    <div class="control-group">
        {{ submit_button("Search", "class": "btn btn-primary") }}


This produces the following HTML:

<form action="/invo/products/search" method="post">

<h2>Search products</h2>


    <div class="control-group">
        <label for="id" class="control-label">Id</label>
        <div class="controls"><input type="text" id="id" name="id" /></div>

    <div class="control-group">
        <label for="name" class="control-label">Name</label>
        <div class="controls">
            <input type="text" id="name" name="name" />

    <div class="control-group">
        <label for="profilesId" class="control-label">profilesId</label>
        <div class="controls">
            <select id="profilesId" name="profilesId">
                <option value="">...</option>
                <option value="1">Vegetables</option>
                <option value="2">Fruits</option>

    <div class="control-group">
        <label for="price" class="control-label">Price</label>
        <div class="controls"><input type="text" id="price" name="price" /></div>

    <div class="control-group">
        <input type="submit" value="Search" class="btn btn-primary" />


When the form is submitted, the action “search” is executed in the controller performing the search based on the data entered by the user.

Creating and Updating Records

Now let’s see how the CRUD creates and updates records. From the “new” and “edit” views the data entered by the user are sent to the actions “create” and “save” that perform actions of “creating” and “updating” products respectively.

In the creation case, we recover the data submitted and assign them to a new “products” instance:


 * Creates a new product
public function createAction()
    if (!$this->request->isPost()) {
        return $this->forward("products/index");

    $form    = new ProductsForm;
    $product = new Products();

    // ...

Remember the filters we defined in the Products form? Data is filtered before being assigned to the object $product. This filtering is optional, also the ORM escapes the input data and performs additional casting according to the column types:


// ...

$name = new Text("name");

// Filters for name
$name->setFilters(array('striptags', 'string'));

// Validators for name
        new PresenceOf(array(
            'message' => 'Name is required'


When saving we’ll know whether the data conforms to the business rules and validations implemented in the form ProductsForm (app/forms/ProductsForm.php):


// ...

$form    = new ProductsForm;
$product = new Products();

// Validate the input
$data = $this->request->getPost();
if (!$form->isValid($data, $product)) {
    foreach ($form->getMessages() as $message) {
    return $this->forward('products/new');

Finally, if the form does not return any validation message we can save the product instance:


// ...

if ($product->save() == false) {
    foreach ($product->getMessages() as $message) {
    return $this->forward('products/new');


$this->flash->success("Product was created successfully");
return $this->forward("products/index");

Now, in the case of product updating, first we must present to the user the data that is currently in the edited record:


 * Edits a product based on its id
public function editAction($id)

    if (!$this->request->isPost()) {

        $product = Products::findFirstById($id);
        if (!$product) {
            $this->flash->error("Product was not found");
            return $this->forward("products/index");

        $this->view->form = new ProductsForm($product, array('edit' => true));

The data found is bound to the form passing the model as first parameter. Thanks to this, the user can change any value and then sent it back to the database through to the “save” action:


 * Saves current product in screen
 * @param string $id
public function saveAction()
    if (!$this->request->isPost()) {
        return $this->forward("products/index");

    $id = $this->request->getPost("id", "int");
    $product = Products::findFirstById($id);
    if (!$product) {
        $this->flash->error("Product does not exist");
        return $this->forward("products/index");

    $form = new ProductsForm;

    $data = $this->request->getPost();
    if (!$form->isValid($data, $product)) {
        foreach ($form->getMessages() as $message) {
        return $this->forward('products/new');

    if ($product->save() == false) {
        foreach ($product->getMessages() as $message) {
        return $this->forward('products/new');


    $this->flash->success("Product was updated successfully");
    return $this->forward("products/index");

We have seen how Phalcon lets you create forms and bind data from a database in a structured way. In next chapter, we will see how to add custom HTML elements like a menu.

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