发布于 2016-05-29 08:17:47 | 134 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
创建一个双向 TCP 客户机。
net = require 'net'
domain = 'localhost'
port = 9001
ping = (socket, delay) ->
console.log "Pinging server"
socket.write "Ping"
nextPing = -> ping(socket, delay)
setTimeout nextPing, delay
connection = net.createConnection port, domain
connection.on 'connect', () ->
console.log "Opened connection to #{domain}:#{port}"
ping connection, 2000
connection.on 'data', (data) ->
console.log "Received: #{data}"
connection.on 'end', (data) ->
console.log "Connection closed"
$ coffee bi-directional-client.coffee
Opened connection to localhost:9001
Pinging server
Received: You have 0 peers on this server
Pinging server
Received: You have 0 peers on this server
Pinging server
Received: You have 1 peer on this server
Connection closed
这个特殊示例发起与服务器联系并在 @connection.on 'connect'@ 处理程序中开启对话。大量的工作在一个真正的用户中,然而 @connection.on 'data'@ 处理来自服务器的输出。@ping@ 函数递归是为了说明连续与服务器通信可能被真实的用户移除。
另请参阅 Bi-Directional Server,Basic Client 和 Basic Server。