发布于 2016-07-21 04:21:11 | 394 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Vagrant 创建虚拟化开发环境
Vagrant是一个基于Ruby的工具,用于创建和部署虚拟化开发环境。它 使用Oracle的开源VirtualBox虚拟化系统,使用 Chef创建自动化虚拟环境。
vagrant 1.8.5 发布,支持 VirtualBox 5.1.0。
core: Provide a way to globally disable box update checks with the environment variableVAGRANT_BOX_UPDATE_CHECK_DISABLE
. Setting this to any non-empty value will instruct Vagrant to not look for box updates when running vagrant up
. Setting this environment variable has no effect on the vagrant box
guests/arch: Support installing synced folder clients [GH-7519]
guests/darwin: Allow ipv6 static networks [GH-7491]
providers/virtualbox: Add support for 5.1 [GH-7574]
BUG 修复:
core: Bump listen gem and Ruby version to improve rsync performance [GH-7453, GH-7441]
core: Check process stdout when detecting if a hyperv admin [GH-7465, GH-7467]
core: Ensure removal of temporary directory when box download fails [GH-7496, GH-7499]
core: Fix regression for installing plugins from path [GH-7505, GH-7493]
core: Skip checking conflicts on disabled ports [GH-7587]
core: Idempotent write-out for state file [GH-7550]
core/guests: Create common BSD guest for shared logic
core/guests: Ignore empty output from /sbin/ip
[GH-7539, GH-7537, GH-7533, GH-7605]
synced_folders/nfs: Shellescape rsync paths [GH-7540, GH-7605]
synced_folders/nfs: Ensure retries take place [GH-6360, GH-7605]
synced_folders/rsync: Shellescape rsync paths [GH-7580, GH-6690, GH-7579, GH-7605]
synced_folders/rsync: Translate Windows paths [GH-7012, GH-6702, GH-6568, GH-7046]
guests/bsd: Consolidate core logic for mounting NFS folders [GH-7480, GH-7474, GH-7466]
guests/bsd: Consolidate core logic for public key management [GH-7481]
guests/bsd: Consolidate core logic for halting [GH-7484]
guests/centos: Use ip
instead of ifconfig
to detect network interfaces [GH-7460]
guests/debian: Ensure newline when inserting public key [GH-7456]
guests/linux: Ensure NFS retries during mounting [GH-7492]
guests/redhat: Use /sbin/ip
to list and configure networks for compatability with older versions of CentOS [GH-7482]
guests/redhat: Ensure newline when inserting public key [GH-7598, GH-7605]
guests/ubuntu: Use /etc/os-release to detech [GH-7524]
guests/ubuntu: Use short hostname [GH-7488, GH-7605]
providers/hyperv: Fix version check and catch statement [GH-7447, GH-7487]