发布于 2016-11-09 03:21:12 | 110 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Vagrant 创建虚拟化开发环境
Vagrant是一个基于Ruby的工具,用于创建和部署虚拟化开发环境。它 使用Oracle的开源VirtualBox虚拟化系统,使用 Chef创建自动化虚拟环境。
Vagrant 1.8.6 发布了,
guests/linux: Place ethernet devices at start of network devices list [GH-7848]
guests/linux: Provide more consistent guest detection [GH-7887, GH-7827]
guests/openbsd: Validate guest rsync installation success [GH-7929, GH-7898]
guests/redhat: Include Virtuozzo Linux 7 within flavor identification [GH-7818]
guests/windows: Allow vagrant to start Windows Nano without provisioning [GH-7831]
provisioners/ansible_local: Change the Ansible binary detection mechanism [GH-7536]
provisioners/ansible(both): Add the playbook_command option [GH-7881]
provisioners/puppet: Support custom environment variables [GH-7931, GH-7252, GH-2270]
util/safe_exec: Use subprocess for safe_exec on Windows [GH-7802]
util/subprocess: Allow closing STDIN [GH-7778]
BUG 修复:
communicators/winrm: Prevent connection leakage [GH-7712]
core: Prevent duplicate provider priorities [GH-7756]
core: Allow Numeric type for box version [GH-7874, GH-6960]
core: Provide friendly error when user environment is too large [GH-7889, GH-7857]
guests: Remove set -e usage for better shell compatibility [GH-7921, GH-7739]
guests/linux: Fix incorrectly configured private network [GH-7844, GH-7848]
guests/linux: Properly order network interfaces [GH-7866, GH-7876, GH-7858, GH-7876]
guests/linux: Only emit upstart event if initctl is available [GH-7813]
guests/netbsd: Fix rsync installation [GH-7922, GH-7901]
guests/photon: Fix networking setup [GH-7808, GH-7873]
guests/redhat: Properly configure network and restart service [GH-7751]
guests/redhat: Prevent NetworkManager from managing devices on initial start [GH-7926]
hosts/linux: Fix race condition in writing /etc/exports file for NFS configuration [GH-7947, GH-7938] - Thanks to Aron Griffis (@agriffis) for identifying this issue
plugins/rsync: Escape exclude paths [GH-7928, GH-7910]
providers/docker: Remove --interactive flag when pty is true [GH-7688]
provisioners/ansible_local: Use enquoted path for file/directory existence checks
provisioners/salt: Synchronize configuration defaults with documentation [GH-7907, GH-6624]
pushes/atlas: Fix atlas push on Windows platform [GH-6938, GH-7802]