发布于 2016-07-26 00:57:33 | 146 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
这里有新鲜出炉的React Native官方指南,程序狗速度看过来!
React Native 用 React 开发移动应用
ReactNative 可以基于目前大热的开源JavaScript库React.js来开发iOS和Android原生App。而且React Native已经用于生产环境——Facebook Groups iOS 应用就是基于它开发的。
React Native v0.31.0-rc 发布了,一般改进记录如下:
Fix the getRowData method of SwipeableListViewDataSource in SwipeableListView (ba3c7ef) - @sscaff1
Fix bug in cancelling last task in TaskQueue (9b184cc) - @sahrens
Fix Navigator transition (5189c94) - @hedgerwang
Use active scene passed in props
by NavigationTransitioner
(46a6851) - @jmurzy
Don't block scroll when using non-touchable visible row for SwipeableRow (13a19a8) - @chirag04
RN: Change Time Drift Error into Warning (ed4db63) - @yungsters
Add JSCHelper function to easily install native hooks outside of JSCExecutor (f534560) - @astreet
Add MessageQueue method for executing function and returning its result (7fa677f) - @javache
Add completion callback to enqueueJSCall (23e28ec) - @javache
Implement TextInput onContentSizeChange (2537157) - @janicduplessis
Better error message when trying to parse a empty body in fetch (eeb9cd8) - @astreet
Provide RTL support for new Navigator -- Make RTL works in NUX (38a6eec) - @MengjueW
Open in editor button for yellow box (c65eb4e) - @skv-headless
Initial implementation of requestIdleCallback (18394fb, 5618c3f) - @janicduplessis
Throw flow error when trying to access a style that is not defined on a stylesheet to catch typos and unused styles (a564af8) - @brentvatne