发布于 2017-06-08 05:26:45 | 162 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
这里有新鲜出炉的React Native官方指南,程序狗速度看过来!
React Native 用 React 开发移动应用
ReactNative 可以基于目前大热的开源JavaScript库React.js来开发iOS和Android原生App。而且React Native已经用于生产环境——Facebook Groups iOS 应用就是基于它开发的。
React Native 0.45.0 已正式发布。该版本有如下的重大变更:
删除 React 的转发和错误导入警告(Remove React forwarding and wrong import warnings)
Bug 修复
XMLHttpRequest withCredentials defaults to "true" (7c3918b) - @DanielZlotin
Return findNodeHandle to public api (7063261) - @skv-headless
Fix warnings in TouchableHighlight
(bd00456) - @zjj010104
TouchableHighlight needs to set _isMounted false when it unmounts. (d40a7ea) - @sahrens
Custom build options: Move transform options into own property (8533c0d) - @davidaurelio
Work around a false positive isMounted()
warning (074c3ce) - @gaearon
CLI: Stronger typing for transformers (73fc439) - @davidaurelio
CLI: Disable no-alert
eslint rule for node code (d2505e7) - @davidaurelio
CLI: Get rid of FBism in Config
(b9fb229) - @davidaurelio
CLI: Resolve path at callsite rather than in Config.loadFile
(edf1774) - @davidaurelio
CLI: Fix Promise resolve callback error (7dd2cd3) - @johnislarry
Fixed default placeholder text color for multiline (cf975bb) - @shergi
Allow calling NativeViewHierarchyManager.addRootView() off the UI thread (20c2ae8) - @AaaChiuuu
FlatList: use $ReadOnlyArray for section stuff (5084e1b) - @sahrens
FlatList: Fix and optimize VirtualizedList update triggers (52e50af) - @sahrens
FlatList: Made getItem
and getItemCount
required props (VirtualizedList) (beeffb8) - @mariten
FlatList: Add ListEmptyComponent prop (264d67c) - @Minishlink
FlatList: flipped leading/trailing separators.updateProps (5c7c65e) - @sahrens
FindNodeHandle properly handles ReactCurrentOwner.current Fiber type (909fb72) - @bvaughn
Open in editor fix, show tip instead of error (9934131) - @skv-headless
Fix parseFloat mistaken uses of "radix" (37f3ce1) - @zertosh
Add flow to processColor.js
(c7e0f56) - @TheSavior
Add method on YellowBox to ignore warnings (a974c14)